Gujarat: ‘The proposed rules can extend the PG’ evaluation – News2IN

Gujarat: ‘The proposed rules can extend the PG’ evaluation

Gujarat: 'The proposed rules can extend the PG' evaluation
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: The design of the Postgraduate Medical Education Regulation 2021 can make an evaluation process for the Study of PG awkwardly, in addition to leading to a delay for a month in the announcement of the results of the exam, feeling an expert in the education sector.
Experts in the education sector say that with the current evaluation process, where four valuators are issued for each field of Postgraduate (PG) and Super-Special PG in medical studies, takes around 15-20 days before stating the results.
The draft proposed by the National Medical Commission aims to change the evaluation process, which can lead to a month’s delay in announcing the results, a Ahmedabad-based expert said in the field of medical education.
According to existing systems, two of the four evaluators must be from the gujarat while the two remaining originating from other Indian countries, they said.
There are four exam papers for PG Medical and Super Special PG.
“All answer scripts will be subject to two evaluations by the university concerned.
The average total sign given by two evaluators for paper, rounded to the nearest value, must be considered for calculations of the results,” according to the 18.2 clause from the draft.
All answer scripts, where the difference between two evaluations is 15% and more than the total sign prescribed for paper, will be subject to a third evaluation, it proposes.
“The draft further proposes that the average two best total signs, given by three evaluators for paper, rounded to the nearest value, must be considered for the final calculation of results.
This makes the whole process very awkward and will cause delays in the results announcement,” said a person Academics.
After the calculation and declaration of the results, in any condition it is not permitted by any authority, the draft.
All health / health institutions that provide postgraduate courses will develop a platform for digital evaluation of bar codes, it declares further.
Experts say if implemented, the rules can cause a 30% decrease in the PG medical chair in Gujarat.
About 2,000 special-medical and PG special seats in the state can be influenced by a series of new rules, said source.

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