Gurugram: Stay in the room in the middle of pollution is not an option for many workers – News2IN

Gurugram: Stay in the room in the middle of pollution is not an option for many workers

Gurugram: Stay in the room in the middle of pollution is not an option for many workers
Written by news2in

Gurugram: The state government has instructed the office to allow employees to work from home so that people can avoid toxic air but many workers do not have that privilege.
For thousands of sales agents and shipping, everyday workers, and executives in sales, civil engineering and design, advisors living at home amid heavy pollution that barely mean anything.
Yatendra Yadav, a shipping agent working with a leading online wholesale store, saying that despite deteriorating air quality, he must be in the field and work as hard as another day.
“We have to finish the order in 10-15 minutes.
Because of the current conditions, my eyes have begun itching and breathing.
When I rushed between orders, I often found myself panting.
But I can’t stop because of our incentives Depending on giving orders in the specified time.
Unless the government expressed a complete ban on people’s mobility, I had to come out in the open and work, “said Yadav.
The air quality in Gurugram has floated in this ‘very poor’ and ‘severe’ category throughout the month.
With AQI often reaches 400 and so on, many residents have begun to limit outdoors to walk and social visits.
However, there are no concessions for those who work at work outdoors.
Nitesh Kumar, a car driver in the early 20s, complained about air quality but lifted an alternative not to step out for several days.
“We still have to work, if not, we will not be able to pay rent and feed our family,” said Kumar, a migrant worker from Madhya Pradesh.
It is not only daily bets and those involved in the show’s economy but some people in the work of white collar also find it difficult to stay in the room in their work.
Ankur Singh, a 32-year-old sales executive working for a cyber security company, said, “Because of the celebration season, many offices have been closed.
But now the office is open, my colleague and me have to get around and meet office staff to convince them about that product Offered our company.
Our work is based on the number of businesses we produce.
So, we must be in the field.
But, people in other departments live in the room.
“Deepak Kumar (name changed), who works as a design engineer for equipment Refinery, Braves The Toxic Air to reach his office in the sector 30 every day.
However, he has installed air cleaners at home.
To ensure that his son will breathe clean air.
“I left home at 8:30 a.m.
and the streets still measured all my drive.
Our work doesn’t allow us to stay at home because we have to deliberately, watch up, and coordinate our projects.
But I have installed air cleaners at home, which provides relief Until a certain extent when I was at home and also made sure that my son breathed clean air, “said the 45-year-old player.
Echoing similar sentiments, pradip Rahi, 38 -Year-Old Resident Vatika G 21 works in the car sector, said, “Heavy pollution has become an annual event.
So, I failed to understand how working from home or closing school would help.
The company has struggled for Back for normal.
Orders seem rather shallow, special ice because the government needs to check the source of pollution.
“In certain professions such as interior design, one can take the freedom to stay in one or two days but then they have to get out.
Vijayeta Chandola, a 46-year-old interior architect and DLF 1 resident, said, “The government needs to come up with a long-term solution, not just a short-term goal.
The design aspects of any project can be managed through work from home but we cannot run work remotely, without going to the site.
While we can manage for days, daily bets, which we employ, significantly influenced because living at home directly impacts on their livelihoods.

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