Hackers interfere with Iranian train services with fake delay messages – News2IN

Hackers interfere with Iranian train services with fake delay messages

Tehran: The Iranian railroad system is under Cyberattack on Friday, a semi-official news agency reported, with hackers posting fake messages about train delays or cancellations on the screenboards at the stations throughout the country.
Hackers post messages such as “long delayed because of cyberatack” or “canceled” on the board.
They also urged passengers to call information, including the telephone number of the country’s highest leader office, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
The Fars Semiofficial news agency reported that the hacking caused “unprecedented chaos” at the train station.
There are no responsible groups.
Previously on that day, Fars said the train in Iran had lost their electronic tracking system.
Not immediately clear if it is also part of CyberatCack.
JARJA then deleted his report and vice versa quoted a spokesman for the state railway company, Sadegh Sekri, who said “interference” did not cause problems for train services.
In 2019, errors on computer servers train companies cause some delays in train services.
In December of the year, the Iranian Telecommunications Ministry said the country had relieved a large cyberattack on an undetermined “electronic infrastructure” but did not provide specifics about the attack.
It is not clear whether the reported attack caused damage or disruption to the Iranian computer and internet system, and whether it was the latest chapter in the US cyber operation and Iran targeting others.
Iran decided on many infrastructure from the internet after the Stuxnet Computer virus – widely believed to be a creation with US-Israel – disturbing thousands of Iran’s centrifugal on the country’s nuclear site in the late 2000s.

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