Haqqani network induction in the new Dash Govt Afghanistan hopes for moderate Taliban – News2IN

Haqqani network induction in the new Dash Govt Afghanistan hopes for moderate Taliban

Haqqani network induction in the new Dash Govt Afghanistan hopes for moderate Taliban
Written by news2in

KABUL: HAQQANI network induction in the new “Emirates of Islam” Afghanistan shows that all promises made by the Taliban that it will not provide a safe place for jihadists and will reduce the hardline’s view they have run.
Sirajuddin Haqqani, Deputy Chief of the New Interior Minister of Taliban and Afghanistan, heads the cruel Haqqani network described by an expert based in the US as “a criminal company posing as a group of jihad”, reported Armenian news.
His and other hardline appointments in the role of the government quickly ended the hope that Islamists could become more involved and reduce their hardline’s view.
It also left Washington with a little choice but to rely on Haqqani organizations despite the bonds of Al-Qaeda and the history of attacks on the US, reported Armenian news.
“They played brilliant games, keeping the door open to Western intelligence agents.
They have killed and arrested several members of the Islamic State (ISIS) in recent weeks,” said Kamal Nature, a security expert in Atlantic Count, US think-tank .
Haqqanis’s rise was a reflection of how important the group was in the fight against the Afghan government and coalition forces, said Ioannis Koskinas, a senior colleague in the new American think-tank.
“For the winner away booty,” he said.
Peters Gretchen, an expert on transnational organized crime, said the Haqqani network operates not only as a jihadist force but as an organization such as the mafia.
The most profitable revenue stream includes extortion, extortion for ransom, illegal mining, money laundering, narcotics and fundraising from ideological contributions to Arab countries, he explained.
He believes the battle between Haqqanis and the US will be so long and “brutal” that it will be difficult for both to work together.
But in 2018, when the US opened talks on Afghan withdrawal agreement, Haqqanis was chaired at the table.
Anas Haqqani, Sirajuddin’s younger brother, was released from prison as part of a prisoners’ swap agreement to join the Taliban negotiation group in Qatar.
Nasratullah Haqpal, a political analyst based in Kabul, said that “the US wants the Taliban to rule and prevent attacks on Western countries”.
In return, they are willing to support the Taliban “Direct or Indirect”, report Armenian news.
Koskinas from the New America Think tank points to the role of Pakistan, which has affected the Taliban and Haqqanis after providing protection for Islamic movements for years.
“Pakistan certainly has significant measures over haqqanis.
This is a question about converting interests without control,” he said.
For old researchers in Afghanistan, the whole country has come a full circle, with the Taliban controlling despite the 20 years of war, more than 150,000 deaths and billions of dollars spent.
Sushant Sareen, a security analyst at The Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi, said that the US will take action against terrorists through the sanctions and use of the global financial system, it will be difficult for the Taliban or Haqqani network to leave the long-term whose ally Jihadis, reported Armenian news.

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