HAQQANI NETWORK: The most feared Afghan militant – News2IN

HAQQANI NETWORK: The most feared Afghan militant

HAQQANI NETWORK: The most feared Afghan militant
Written by news2in

KABUL: Some Top Taliban leaders gathered in Kabul to discuss the establishment of a new Afghan government – including representatives of the Haqqani network, the country’s most feared guerrillas.
Haqqanis has been blamed for some of the deadliest attacks in recent years, claims the lives of civilians, government officials and foreign forces.
Apart from their reputation, they are expected to be a strong player in the new regime after the Taliban Afghanistan takeover last week.
The shadow group was formed by Jalaluddin Haqqani, who received the advantage in the 1980s as an anti-Soviet jihad hero.
At that time, he was a valuable CIA asset as the United States and his allies such as the Paccistan distributed hands and money to the Mujahideen.
During the conflict and after the Soviet withdrawal, Jalaluddin Haqqani fosted close relations with foreign jihadists – including Osama bin Laden.
He then allied with the Taliban who took over Afghanistan in 1996, serving as Minister of the Islamic regime to be reduced by US-led forces in 2001.
Jalaluddin Haqqani’s death after a long disease was announced by the Taliban in 2018, and Son Sirajuddin officially became head of the network .
Thanks to their financial and military power – and reputation for the atrocities – Haqqani networks are considered semi-autonomous while remaining in the folds of the Taliban.
Especially based in East Afghanistan – alleged base on the border in northwest Pakistan – the Group became more visible in the Taliban leadership in recent years, and Sirajuddin Haqqani was appointed as deputy leader in 2015.
His younger brother Anas had been imprisoned and sentenced to death The previous Afghan government has held talks with former President Hamid Karzai and Executive Executive Abdullah Abdullah since the fall of Kabul last weekend.
The Haqqani network was blamed for the most deadly and most surprising attacks in Afghanistan for the past two decades.
They have been appointed as foreign terrorist groups by the United States, and also under UN sanctions.
Haqqanis has a reputation to often use suicide bombers – including drivers in cars and trucks that are packed with many explosives – and have shown the ability to carry out complex attacks, high victims on the main targets including installations and military embassies.
In October 2013, Afghan troops intercept a Haqqani truck in the East Afghanistan which contained almost 28 tons (61,500 pounds) explosives, according to the US National Contreakrorism Center.
Haqqanis has been accused of murder – including efforts to President Karzai in 2008 – and kidnapping of officials and Western residents, for ransom and coercion of the exchange of detainees.
They have also suspected relations with the establishment of the Pakistani military – US Admiral Mike Mullen described them as “real arms” of Islamabad’s intelligence in 2011.
Pakistan denied the allegations.
Haqqanis also greatly contributed to the ranking of Taliban battle, and was a “troops ready for the battle” of the group, said monitors in the June report.
The monitor also describes the network as a “primary liaison” between the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.
Haqqanis has emerged as a serious player in the Taliban political project with at least two of their leaders in Kabul when talks began to form the next government.
The height of Formal Sirajuddin Haqqani to the position of deputy leader six years ago strengthened the role, analysts said.
And the release of his brother Anas from Afghan prisoners in 2019 was seen as a step to help start direct talks to the US-Taliban which ultimately caused the withdrawal of troops.
Sirajuddin Haqqani even wrote OP-Ed in New York Times last year, outlining the position of Taliban in US talks and conflicts in Afghanistan – although in diplomatic tones that underestimate the reputation of network violence.
While Anas Haqqani has held talks with Karzai, his uncle Khalil Haqqani was seen praying in Kabul on Friday.
Sirajuddin and Khalil are both still registered as desired by the United States, with millions of dollars in the gifts offered.

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