Hardeep Puri quoted the situation of Afghanistan to justify CAA – News2IN
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Hardeep Puri quoted the situation of Afghanistan to justify CAA

Hardeep Puri quoted the situation of Afghanistan to justify CAA
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Union Minister HardeeP Singh Puri has quoted developments in Afghanistan to emphasize the need for laws such as the citizenship amendment law (CAA).
Singh Tweeted, “The latest developments in our volatile environment and the way Sikh and Hinduism experience a terrible time is exactly why it is necessary to enact the citizenship amendment law.” The takeover of the Afghan Taliban has triggered exodus, especially from foreigners, religious minorities and sectarians.
The rebels, during the 1996-2001 state administration were famous for harassment and persecution of the Afghan minority.
Several hundred Indians, including many Hindus and Sikh, have been evacuated from Afghanistan since the current chaos began.
The Afghan crisis directly UpdateThe CAA enables a minority that is persecuted by Hinduism, Sikh, Jain, Buddhism, Parsi, and the Christian community from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan to utilize Indian citizenship.
According to the provisions of actions, people who are included in these communities who arrived in India until December 31, 2014, because religious persecution in all three countries will not be treated as illegal migrants but will be given Indian citizenship.
President of RAM Nath Kovind gave his approval to the law on December 12, 2019.
(with agency input)

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