Hardik Patel to strengthen demand for removing quota hats, caste census – News2IN

Hardik Patel to strengthen demand for removing quota hats, caste census

Hardik Patel to strengthen demand for removing quota hats, caste census
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Patidar Patidar leader Patel who rocked Gujarat’s politics with a request for bookings for the Patel Community, arranged to make the opposition call for the removal of 50% stamp on the reservation and for Caste Census as the next mobilisational tool.
The young leader, as well as the President of Gujarat Congress Workers, plans to hold a convention at Ahmedabad on September 15 where he will join the main social group to strengthen the problem.
This will help him support the protection for his plans with the OBC group and and in the future the community that wants to be classified as backward.
“The center has given strength to countries to identify OBC.
But without increasing quantum quota, how many casts can be given in it? There are 140 castes in the OBC list in Gujarat.
In 27%, how much can you give in how much.
caste if you want to diversify social representation in work and education by adding a new caste to the list, “said Patel Toi,” so in Gujarat, 50% hat must be stretched for it 60% or 70%.
What is the problem if it becomes 90% or 100 %? There will be no problems.
“Patel said there was a strong feeling even among OBC which presents a 50% quota cover prevented them from getting the right share in the order.
At the same time, Patel said Caste Census is a must to get an idea of ​​which community shapes how much share of the total population.
“It will only help in policy making.
The government should not consider it a cashier.
That should not object with it,” he added.
The problem of twins, sensitive because they are politically and socially, have gained attraction with OBC and a strong community such as Maratha and Patel.
Even BJP Ally Jdu in Bihar is very demanding the headcount of the caste.
Given its growth, Patel believes it can be a good mobilical technique to unite the community, in what appears to also have strong political sub-plots considering the state selection in Gujarat next year.

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