Has become a journey of self realization for boys: Sreejesh – News2IN

Has become a journey of self realization for boys: Sreejesh

New Delhi: Indian Men’s Hockey Team PR Sheejesh provides insight into the preparation of the team in front of the Tokyo Olympics, saying almost two years since the foundation began in Bengaluru and that the time spent in the National Camp had “a travel realization of self for boys” , Speaking to the Indian Women’s Football Team Aditi Chauhan in the AIFF TV on Sunday, said Sreejesh, “it (preparation) began two years ago after the World Cup in Odisha.
We start our campaign for the Olympics.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, we can.
Year extra, so the preparation is a bit different this time.
“Generally we travel often, and play a lot of training matches.
We do a lot of acclimatization.
But this time, we have camped in Bengaluru for the past half a year.
We barely have time to meet our family, “said Sreejesh.” We have been training hard, and we have worked on different strategies, analyzing our opponents too.
“The men’s hockey team is currently ranked fourth in the world., Has been withdrawn at the pool beside the host Japan, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and Spain.
Sreejesh said the preparation of the Olympics this time” has been more than a self-realization trip for children Male “.” Every time a team has played any match, we have watched.
We also watch our own videos and try to find our strengths and weaknesses.
These one and a half years have been a lot about self-realization, rather than worrying about others, “he said.
The Indian women’s hockey team, on the other hand, has also been withdrawn in Pond A, and is ranked 10th at that time the world ranking FIH.
Sreejesh believes that there is A good atmosphere in the women’s team, and that they can prove to the world that they are among the best.
“They (women’s hockey team) are quite experienced.
I believe they bring a good atmosphere wherever they go, and they will prove that they are one of the best teams, “he said.” They have played well, and if they continue at the Olympics, they can win.
“While their Olympics are celebrations of various sports disciplines, athletes also tend to feel the pressure as soon as they reach the big stage.” It can be complicated, once you get to the Olympics.
This is the situation of absolute stove-pressure.
You always go to the Olympics with a lot of hope of the hope of fans and expectations of your family.
Especially your family, because they want their child to win something there.
The problem is, the people who did well on that day, were people who turned into champions, “he added.

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