Hat a speech: Delhi Police Files Charge Sheet – News2IN

Hat a speech: Delhi Police Files Charge Sheet

Hat a speech: Delhi Police Files Charge Sheet
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday submitted a cost sheet before a court in New Delhi in a case related to the allegedly enhancing communal slogans near Jantar Mantar in August.
The police accused the defendant for various violations, including raising communal slogans and incited young people to spread to certain religions at a general meeting in Delhi.
The final report was submitted before Metropolitan Magistrate Promptank Nayak and included the names of Pinky Chaudhary, Hindu President Rakshak Dal, and Advocate Ashwani Upadhyay for alleged violations that took place on August 8, Chaudhary had surrendered before Delhi police on August 31 and given a guarantee on September 30, While Upadhyay was arrested by police on August 10 and a guarantee on August 11.
In addition, the police also arrested Vinod Sharma, Deepak Singh, Preeth, and Deepak Kumar in connection with this case.
Previously the court court has fired the Chaudhary Anticipatory Guarantee Application, by saying “We are not a Taliban state.” The court said that in the past the incident had assessed communal tensions that lead to riots and loss of life and property.
“We are not a Taliban state.
Legal rules are the principle of sacred regulatory in our plural and multi-cultural society.
While all of India celebrates ‘Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav’ There are some thoughts that are still chained with intolerant and centric beliefs.” Judge said.

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