Health officials from the center of Raj to contain dengue fever – News2IN

Health officials from the center of Raj to contain dengue fever

Health officials from the center of Raj to contain dengue fever
Written by news2in

Jaipur: Health officials from this center have visited Ajmer, Jodhpur and Jaipur to provide technical support to local health authorities in containing the spread of dengue fever.
The number of bloody deaths in the state has touched 33, while the calculation of the overall case of dengue fever rose to 13,412 on Wednesday.
A senior health department official said the central team examined three countries and visited local local areas.
“In Jaipur, they visited the Shastri Nagar and Bani Park area, where they examined the houses and suggested that people have to keep the environment clean and continue to change the water in the container every seven days.
They suggest that mosquito breeding must be prevented at Home, “said Dr.
Narrettam Sharma, Head of Medical Health Officer (Jaipur-I).
In Jaipur, the Ministry of Health has established a control room for dengue fever (0141-2605858), while for Fogging, Jaipur Municipal Corporation is a responsible government institution.
The Ministry of Health has begged people to carry out anti-larval activities in their homes by cleaning water collected in jars, vases, and other containers, where mosquitoes breed because the cases of dengue began to appear post-monsoons.
The central teams were assigned to help and support the state to bring up an effective public health response.
The team has prepared reports on vector control status, availability of kits and drugs, early detection, availability and use of insecticides, status of anti-larval and anti-adult vector control measures in the state.
Because Rajasthan witnessed an increase in the number of cases reported in October compared to the number of cases over the same period the previous year, among the countries where the center sent his team.

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