High demand for books about teen justice after line adoption – News2IN

High demand for books about teen justice after line adoption

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: The battle of a mother for her baby has shown a sudden interest in the sale of legal books.
The owner of a shop in the city said that the request for the book ‘Juvenile Justice Act 2015’ and also the Malayalam ‘Balaneeethi’ translation by Karakulam Manoj has increased firmly over the past few weeks.
Sukumar Book Stall near Junction Overbridge has sold more than 300 books on titles.
People also ask for ‘Indian Criminal Code’ books and Malayalam translations.
“Usually only a few copies are sold, but now more than 300 books have been sold out in the last few days.
Advocates are the only customers for the books.
But now the situation has changed.
People, including advocates, police officers, Representatives of legal entities and even ordinary people, come and ask the books, “said the bookstore owner.
Book sellers believe that sudden demand from these books has increased after anupama case.
He alleged that his father P S S Jazayandran, a member of CPM, kidnapped a new-born child three days after he gave birth in October and left a baby in the government-owned orphanage.
“I believe there are trends for purchasing legal books every time a social problem arises.
People come to the store and ask about books on certain topics.
For example, Aryan Khan’s arrest has triggered book requests based on narcotics and drugs,” Santthosh Kumar said, “said Santhosh Kumar, Sukumar book kiosk owner.
Satheesh S, Kiosk manager of the Neethi Law Book also talked about the increase in sales.
“There is an increase in people who ask about adolescent actions in the past few days,” he said.

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