High-level panel suggestions about green problems were rejected by the Parliament Committee in 2015 – News2IN

High-level panel suggestions about green problems were rejected by the Parliament Committee in 2015

High-level panel suggestions about green problems were rejected by the Parliament Committee in 2015
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The Supreme Court may be interested in knowing the fate of the recommendation of the TSR Subramement Committee for the creation of Indian environmental services, but a high-level panel report, which consists of this and other suggestions, has long been rejected by the standing parliamentary committee after consulting with experts.
“As a result, this problem does not have traction in environmental services even when other suggestions of panels are reviewed and are considered to bring amendments to certain green laws and improve environmental management services,” said a senior official in the Ministry.
As part of 55 specific recommendations in the report submitted to the Ministry, the Subramement Committee has been in November 2014 suggesting the creation of Indian environmental services, as a service of all India, even when the country has Indian forest work to do similar work.
The panel believes that the Indian Forest Service can, on the other hand, encourage specialization in various aspects of forestry management and wildlife, among service members, and familiarity with all aspects of environmental management.
Read Govt Alsowill for All-India Environmental Services, Request the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court for the Dedicated Environmental Management Service Center (AIEM), despite hiding doubts about his jurisdiction to enter into Mutrosa, a high-level committee (HLC), led by the former Secretary of the Cabinet Subramanian, It also recommends the creation of the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) at the Central Level and State Environmental Management Authority (SEMA)) at the state level as a processing / permit / full-time monitoring institution.
However, the permanent parliamentary committee of the environment and forests has refused to report the subramanian panel next year in July 2015, citing comments / views of stakeholders including domain experts who argue that the creation of new services / authorities will lead to the multiplicity of institutions and authorities and will not Serving the desired purpose.
Parliamentary panels in their reports suggest services, instead of continuing the application of recommendations containing the Subramement Committee report, “must provide consideration at views / opinions and objections raised by stakeholders including environmental experts including environmental experts”.
“Some important recommendations about HLC are doubtful and will produce unacceptable dilutions to the legal architecture and existing policies established to protect our environment,” said parliamentary panel in his report continuing in parliament in July 2015.
HLC, led by Subramanian Based on the task of reviewing and suggested amendments in the six laws related to the environment in August 2014.
In addition to recommending the creation of new services / authorities, the committee has come out with other suggestions owned by the Ministry, time to time, called for years for environmental management Better and forest protection, wildlife, wetlands and water bodies.

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