High-tech drone to reach new city residents – News2IN

High-tech drone to reach new city residents

High-tech drone to reach new city residents
Written by news2in

Kolkata: The new city of Kolkata Development Authority (NKDA) operates special drones throughout the city with the speakers set by them.
This was done to reach all residents who live in the Highrise complex in the new city to make the announcement of loudspeakers in different public schemes and services such as Covid Vaccination, Duare Sarkar and the Awareness of Dengue Fever Prevention When and where the scheme and service are provided.
NKDA officials said they had made Mike’s announcement on the road but they got feedback that the announcement did not reach many residents who lived in a large community that was gated and judged Highrise.
“To reach all residents living in the Highrise Complex, we use special high-tech drone technology.
High volume speakers have been installed in drones and daily schedules have been said on which day where the locality of the drone will be operated to make an announcement,” said an official NKDA.
Officials said they were conducting announcements through drones in residential areas and market places especially on the four current problems – Duare Sarkar, Lakshmir Bhandar, Covid vaccination and resumed conscious of the Covid security protocol and fever prevention steps.
Good announcement in Bengali and Hindi.
In addition to making the announcement of the loudspeaker about public awareness, the authorities say drones can be used to spray Larvacide in Bagjola and the edge channel to prevent mosquitoes, to keep the roof on the roof top to check whether there are accumulated water stagnant, keep the bio-mass and burning of waste and problems other.
The authorities have arranged the port drone in one of its utility buildings in the New City Action Area II with a drone on the tank on the fourth floor roof.
The settings have servers, computer speed ultra-high speed with a double screen and a number of software accessories and other drones.
NKDA has bought three drones and there is a control room to keep monitoring drones when operated.

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