Hompon is flooded with cases of virus fever, most children – News2IN

Hompon is flooded with cases of virus fever, most children

Written by news2in

Ranchi: The hospital and the patient department (OPD) in the city register the increase in the number of cases of viral infections, which are mostly children.
Toi spoke to some pediatric and doctors and they said that they got patients with symptoms of influenza and virus fever between August and October, but the increase in the number of children was a worrying sign.
A total of 160 children recognized in the Children’s Ward Institute of Medical Sciences Rajendra (RIMS) who doubled their capacity.
OPTS also witnessed the rush with the doctor checking more than 150 children every day.
Private hospitals have also reported improvements in these cases.
Speaking with Toi, the Professor of the Pediatric Surgery Department in Rims, Dr.
Abhishek Ranjan said, “This is not a new thing when children are infected like this every year.
But the reason behind this time surge has a different reason.
In my opinion, because of children Children are locked up in their homes in the past year because of a pandemic, they are not exposed to even mild infections.
Therefore, now when they slowly come out, they catch the flu because immunity has not developed well.
“Head of consultant and pediatrician at the Balpan Hospital , Dr.
Rajesh Kumar said: “We have seen a steep increase in inflows with viral fever symptoms.
However, there is a change this year because the infection is increasingly prolonged and children who will recover in three to four days take 10 days to improve.
I think The situation will continue for another month because the weather changes and this is the time when the virus disease peaked.
“Cases in the RU Private pediatric pain has also increased significantly.
“I attended around 60 patients every day in OPD and five to six of them were obtained.
The most common infection is the syncytial respiratory virus and affects children every year.
It has increased this year.
The word caution is wearing a mask and protecting yourself, “Dr.
Rajesh Kumar said, a pediatrician consultant and neonatologist.
Not only children but adults also fell ill.
Doctors say that people who have been infected with Covid-19 must take extra precautions because they are more susceptible to pain due to other viral infections.
“Inflow patients in my unit have increased.
This is not as high as pediatric ward but people are sick due to weather changes.
I always advise people who suffer from this problem every year to take the influenza vaccine managed every year because it is very safe but not too popular In our country, “said the head unit and medical professor at Rims, Dr.
Sanjay Kumar Singh.

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