Hong Kong Police arrested nine alleged terrorist activities – News2IN

Hong Kong Police arrested nine alleged terrorist activities

Written by news2in

Hong Kong: Hong Kong Police said on Tuesday they had caught nine people, including six high school students, because of the suspicion of terrorist activities, the latest to be targeted under the National Security Law swept by Beijing on the financial hub of last year.
Police said at A short press of those who were arrested aged 15-39 and also included university management level employees, a secondary school teacher and unemployed person.
Prefision also frozen bank funds around HK $ 600,000 ($ 77,237.97), as well as cash they believe related to the alleged activieshey terrorist also confiscated Triacetone tripoxide (TATP) in a police hostel described as a laboratory for bomb making equipment for use at cross-harbor tunnels, trains, court and garbage room have been used in attacks by extremists in Israel and London.
Police said the group, called returning Valiant, has rented a room in a dormitory in the crowded shopping district of Tsim Sha Tsui for about one month.
“They have a good division of labor among those who are arrested.
Some of them give money.
Some are scientists – people who make TATP in the room,” Senior Supervisor Steve Li told reporters.
“Someone is responsible for the source of the material Chemistry and other ingredients needed for the plan, while a small group of other people created a bomb, using chemical equipment.
There are also survey teams and the action team, who are responsible for placing bombs.
“Group members have deliberately recruited secondary students planning to plan To leave Hong Kong for good, said Li.
Beijing enforced security law in the last Hong Kong.
Year, punish what he called subversion, separation, terrorism, and collusion with foreign forces with life in prison.
Authorities have repeatedly said “restored stability.” Legal critics, including the Western government, lawyers and international human rights groups, said the authorities used it to destroy differences of opinion in the former British colony, a Beijing statement refused.
The Hong Kong government has said that freedom in global financial hubs is respected but not absoling and they cannot endanger security law.

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