Hope Javelin to be as popular as a Cricket Bat: Thakur Anurag – News2IN

Hope Javelin to be as popular as a Cricket Bat: Thakur Anurag

Hope Javelin to be as popular as a Cricket Bat: Thakur Anurag
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The Minister of Sports Anurag Thakur on Friday won the Paralympic Medal that had just returned, including the thrower of Javelin Sumit Antil and Devendra Jhjharia, hoping that exercise would be popular like cricket in the coming years.
Close on the heel of Javelin Javelin Gold Medal Neeraj Kumar at the Tokyo Olympics, Antil, Jhjhariah and Sunder Singh Gurjar brought more wins to the country with their medals in Javelin in a paralympic match that was ongoing in Tokyo.
Antil debut destroyed his own world noted several times for F64 class gold, while Veteran Jhjhariah and Gurjar won a silver and bronze medal in the F46 category on Monday.
“I hope Javelin in India will now be the same as the famous Kricket,” Thakur, former President BCCI, said that during criminals.
Another paragret athlete who was present on the occasion was Yogesh Kathuniya (Discus threw a silver medal F56) and Sharad Kumar (bronze medal T63 Jump T63).
Thakur promised all possible support for the country athletes from the Central Government of Narendra Modi-LED.
“On national sports days, India won four medals and could not have a better appreciation than this for Major Dhyan Chand Ji.
There is a lot of hard work by athletes combined with the support provided by the national sports government and athletes.
Prime Minister Shri Narendra’s encouragement Modi Ji has become a driving force, “said Minister.
“The government will increase sports ecosystems in the country and through schemes such as peaks, it will continue to support athletes (both core and development) in a way that has never happened before,” said Thakur.
Jhjhariah and Kumar thanked the government for the support they received in their paralympic games campaign.
“In the past four years, the government has supported us in a great way.
Interaction of PM Modi Ji with us also encourages our morals and we feel motivated this time,” Jhajharia said.
Kumar added: “This is a very difficult paralympics because we don’t know whether the game will happen or not.
We are very happy that the government adopts us and offered us great support through the target Olympic podium scheme.” The government works tirelessly to support our US and all sports requests and make sense we are approved quickly.

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