Houston joined a rebellious school against the state ban on the mask mandate – News2IN

Houston joined a rebellious school against the state ban on the mask mandate

Houston joined a rebellious school against the state ban on the mask mandate
Written by news2in

Houston public schools are expected on Thursday to oppose the country’s ban on masks, joining other districts in Texas and Florida who need facial coverings in the classroom to fight a surge in infection of Covid-19, despite a threat from their governor.
The Houston Independent School Council is scheduled to vote at the mask mandate on Thursday, Flouling Governor of the Republic of Greg Abbott on the rules.
“The health and safety of students and our staff continues to be our guide compass in all our decisions,” said the district supervisor, Millard House II, in a statement.
The size tends to pass, with the majority of board members expressing support for the mandate, The Houston Chronicle reported.
With the beginning of the academic year to coincide with a terrible new wave of Covid-19 cases, schools quickly became the focal point of the nation’s political battle over masking and mandate vaccines.
The threat by Florida to hold the salary of school officials who need a mask has increased tensions between Florida Governor Ron Desantis, a Republic, and Administration of US President Joe Biden, a Democrat.
The White House is considering changing Florida school officials if Desantis, which is widely seen as a potential weighing of 2024 for the presidency, following the threat.
The worst of the Covid outbreak is concentrated in the US in the south, including Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana and Texas, where the intensive care unit has been stretched with capacity.
While flouting federal recommendations on masks, Florida has asked Washington to help send a ventilator.
The number of everyday cases throughout the country has doubled in the past two weeks, according to Reuters calculations, reaching a peak of six months, while the average number of daily deaths increased by 85% in the last 14 days.
In Texas, around 10,000 people were hospitalized with a virus.
In Florida, where the Republican Ron Desantis governor has banned the mask mask and threatened to hold the salary of the school administrator who opposed orders, around 15,000 people were hospitalized.
Florida has set a new hospitalization record for 11 consecutive days, according to data from the Ministry of Health and US Humans.
Florida and Texas contributed about a third of Covid-19 inpatient countries, even though they only represent around 15% of the population.
“Our Frontline health care hero finds themselves stretching thin and physical fatigue and mentally taking victims,” ​​said President of the Association of the Florida Hospital Mary Mayhew in a statement on Tuesday.
“The new Delta variant is very contagious and leads to 25 and 35 years hospitalized for Covid.” Schools as a field of political battles and teachers throughout the United States returned to the classroom or will start school this month because the Covid-19 case jumped at a speed that was not visible since the winter, with the Delta variant driving transmission and caused most of the amount to be vaccinated.
for sickness and death.
On Thursday, the President of the National Education Association of Becky Pringle, who led the largest teacher unity in the country, said he supported the vaccine mandate for the teacher.
His statement came to the heel of a similar announcement of the American Federation of the President of the teacher earlier this week.
Some school districts in Arizona have mandated wearing a mask, despite the state law on the mandate.
A group of Parliamentarians of the Republican Party on Wednesday asked the Governor of the Republic of Doug Ducey to hold funds from the district that enforced the mandate, said their non-compliance with state law “bordered by anarchy.” Some Florida school districts, including Broward County, have issued masks, encourage investigations by the State Education Department and expose Superintendents and members of the school board with the risk of losing their salaries.
In Texas earlier this week, the district judge decided to allow Dallas and San Antonio public schools to need a mask, handle a blow to the Governor Abbott.

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