How a Brahmana Imam found pride in the St. Thomas Cathedral – News2IN

How a Brahmana Imam found pride in the St. Thomas Cathedral

How a Brahmana Imam found pride in the St. Thomas Cathedral
Written by news2in

Mumbai: behind a group of high trees and in the midst of stores and buildings, smog and traffic in the castle area, this old St Thomas Cathedral has seen everything.
But passing the famous arches and inside the walls are coated with statues, stained glass and liturgical art standing interesting history which remains unknown.
In the oldest Anglican Church in the city, on the western wall, it lies an impressive marble memorial which is clearly not in its place.
This is a monumental figure of a Hindu Brahmana priest in Dhoti and a shawl with the worst visage and his hands joined in prayer under the banyan tree, bent gracefully on a jar.
To understand how this monument gets pride in a place in a church, people will need to learn Jonathan Duncan’s life, the governor who serves the length of Bombay from 1795 to 1811, which sounds buried in the cathedral and to whom the warning is dedicated.
In the heart of the warning – was founded in 1817 by the British occupants of Bombay and sped by John Bacon Jr.
– is the sketch of Scottish biography that arrived in India as a writer for East Indian companies at the age of 16 and continued to distinguish himself as an Administrator, ancient Indian learning protector, which stabilized the first Sanskrit College in India in Benara, and as a social reformer that infected murder Baby girls in Berasas and Kathiawar.
According to James Mackintosh, the recording of Bombay, Duncan has been ‘brahmanised’ by his long residence in India for 39 years.
The top level of Memorial displays young Brahmin and a woman who holds the scale of justice.
Near his legs there are two books, open rolls and mirrors with a circular snake around his handle.
“Books and open scroll represent their influence and learning patronage.
The woman, the personification of justice, highlighted Duncan’s position as a fair and noble administrator,” said the history of anila verghese in the journal about South Asian studies.
The middle part has Plake Eulogizing Duncan and two babies holding rolls engraved with ‘baby murder is abolished in true and Kattywar’.
“After directing the attention of the government of the government to the presence of a baby’s murder in Berkes in October 1789, he planned a possible plan.
He recognized a special position of Brahmin and had extracts from Vratim Vayanta Parana which was translated to prove that this practice was contrary to Hinduism.
Then he collected Head of Rajkumar and reasoned with them to sign an agreement to release the practice.
As infanticides carried out between Raghuvamsis in Jaunpur, Duncan took a similar involvement of them, “said historian Va Narain in the thesis in 1958 on Jonathan Duncan ‘life and career.
As for Western symbols – crying willow and jars or faces and physical brahmins that match the Greco-Roman allegorical style, Vijaya Gupchup who wrote ‘St.
Thomas Cathedral Bombay-witnesses for the history of ‘observing it is “the best fusion from the east and west that characterizes Duncan itself.” “There is a lot of capital in many bacon sculpture works, but Duncan warnings are probably the most interesting.
People see it from a reformer perspective,” said Rev Avinash Rangayya, presbyter-responsible for the St Thomas Cathedral.

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