How about 9/11 war changed politics in the US – News2IN

How about 9/11 war changed politics in the US

How about 9/11 war changed politics in the US
Written by news2in

Washington: US went to the “war against terror” after September 11, 2001 the terror attack was attacked by Al-Qaeda who left 3,000 dead, the worst attack on the Second World War.
Stephen Collinson, wrote at CNN said September 11, 2001, did not explain everything.
But the fight against terror took America politically from where no one returned twenty years on, was fighting with himself, democracy threatened from inside.
Behind, the attack marked the dawn of the era of political trauma and turbulence which finished a short period when the prosperous US had sunbathed in the light of the post-cold celebration, standing as a misinown country that was alone.
In retrospect, it is now clear that even though there are heroes of thousands of troops killed or waving in the post-9/11 war, the excess of the US political response causes that much, if not more, their own upheaval.
A sharp and successful war in Afghanistan was jammed into 20 years Quagmire which ended only last month.
Another war in Iraq, fighting with false reasons, is its original version of a big lie, Colllinson said.
President George W Bush turned from being a champion in the rubble at Ground Zero to a leader who was destroyed by his own war.
His replacement, Barack Obama, spent two terms who struggled to bring anti-terror campaigns in laws and international morality, but their use of deadly drone strikes to take the target of terror also caused civilian casualties and was condemned by human rights supporters, said Collineson.
And came Donald Trump, vowed to ban Muslims from entering the US and brag that he was smarter than all the leaders who had undergone many years of battle.
Political injuries from post-9/11 years are exposed to the last few days, because the final withdrawal was chaotic from Kabul carrying the history of the full circle: The Taliban fundamentalist – who welcomed Al Qaeda – ruled Afghanistan again, reported CNN.
Bush once warned a multigenation struggle against terrorism.
But Chinese climate change and resurrection are now seen as a greater threat, Collinson said.
And the most acute danger of terrorists is now homemade.
Al Qaeda may fail to hit the Capitol, but the building was attacked by extremists who confirmed the warning the government that white supremacy is now the threat of the country’s main terrorism.
After 9/11, America united to defend themselves.
It failed to do the same thing when faced with a president who put up attacks on democracy (Donald Trump), reported CNN.
Dividing also splitting the country in another national crisis – Pandemic Coronavirus, who killed more people every two days rather than died on September 11, 2001.
If 9/11 has only happened, it is difficult to believe that national and political unity taken by the first will be repeated, said Collinson.
Outside politics, and when he contemplated 9/11 on the 20th anniversary, Tony Brooks – who served as a ranger army in Afghanistan and Iraq – who now practiced the chiropractic medicine and wrote a book, “Leave a man behind,” About his Wartime service – Laments lost national togetherness.
“It was the most united event in my life, and since it felt like every major event that happened in the world just shared it more,” he said.
“This is not the same world, where the mission is bigger than ourselves.
It’s all about us, not me.
I think it’s about me.”

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