How China tries to ‘control’ global body like the United Nations, who – News2IN
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How China tries to ‘control’ global body like the United Nations, who

How China tries to 'control' global body like the United Nations, who
Written by news2in

New Delhi: China tries to win the control of the top multilateral organizations so that they can be “armed” for its own profit, a new report by the British Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee.
The report, published in May, highlighted the “creeping capture” international organization by Beijing through a stable acquisition of the main official position, the use of economic leverage and aggressive diplomacy or “intimidation tactics”.
“We have seen efforts by countries such as China to seize control of organizations that are very important and redefine the principles that were once agreed upon universally where they were based.
This allows multilateral organizations to be armed with the founder principles where they are Built, “Report by the House of Commons Committee – consisting of 11 members of parliament – said.
Growing the clout at the report, titled “in the room: England’s role in multilateral diplomacy”, focuses on six major multilateral organizations where China has tried to use its influence, including the World Health Head Office (WHO), Interpol and the United Nations for High Commissioners for Rights Human assassation (OHCHR).
The report said finding several examples where China is increasingly using aggressive methods, including bilateral economic leverage, to force the state to support their position or candidate and then use the organization to divert policies from organizational cooperation created to be promoted.
The case here is the selection of the ninth Director General of Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO) in 2019.
Only a few days before the election, China eliminated the debt of the Cameroonian government of $ 78 million.
By chance, Cameroon nominated candidates came out of the race shortly afterwards and the post went to China.
In fact, Chinese diplomats are now four of the 15 special UN agencies while no other nations lead more than one.
International Civil Aviation Organization, International Telecommunications Union, Food Organization and Agriculture and the UN Industrial Development Organization are all led by Chinese citizens.
China’s efforts to get control of the Organization of the World Intellectual Property (WIPO) were fired by the US in 2019 after the candidate was supported by the post.
Other reports by Mumbai-based Foreign Policy Think Tank Gateway House said that China held a deputy position of 9 of the 15 UN agencies.
It is said that China also enjoys influence on some of these organizations through “proxy”.
For example, Tedro Adhenoum Ghebreysus, the current Director General of WHO, was elected with China’s support in 2017 and was a former Minister of Health and abroad Ethiopia, who was one of the biggest recipients of Chinese investment in Africa.
The WHO previously headed for 10 years by Margaret Chan, from Hong Kong.
[9] WHO pending warnings and restrictions on travel about pandemics in China, is a global destructive result borne by the influence of China.
The British report said that China also uses “bullying” as part of its aggressive diplomacy to gain influence on organizations such as Ohchr, Human Rights Commission and even WHO.
Influence through Moneybut In addition to aggressive diplomacy, China also strives to get strategic leverage in some of these organizations through money.
“Multilateral-based membership has two types of funding: ‘Assessed’ – Formula-based number depends on a number of factors including state GDP and financial capacity; and voluntary, which includes countries that contribute directly to the United Nations, funds and programs, or programs, or programs NGO supporters who are in harmony with their goals, “said the Gateway House study.
It is said that China pursues behind this contribution.
This highlights that Chinese voluntary contributions have increased by almost 346% from 2010 to 2019.! Function () {“use tight”; window.addeventListener (“Message”, (Function (e) {if e.
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