How Congress complicates its internal crisis in Punjab – News2IN

How Congress complicates its internal crisis in Punjab

JalandHar: A very large delay by the Party High Command in offering solutions for the internal crisis of the Punjab Congress not only complicates the problem but also damages the perceptions of the party at the ground.
People in Congress worry that there are dyes in the popularity of the party can be a direct advantage for AAP.
After losing several opportunities to intervene and take corrective steps even because there was enough indication of the problems that occurred in the Punjab Congress unit about two years ago, party leaders more complicate crises in the past three months.
The crisis in the Punjab Congress is the story of delay and the failure of the high command party intervening on time.
After the CBI submitted a closing report at the trial court in the case of Bargari Cosrilege in July 2019, Congress faced hot on this issue, because the state government failed to draw cases from the central body even though there was a resolution that was passed by the State Assembly in August 2018, and further notice issued by the Punjab government.
The first indication of dissatisfaction that occurred in the party had begun in the first week of August 2019, when during a meeting of the Congress legislative party, the MLA Party showed the Chairman of the Captain Amarinder Singh’s different and the failure of his government.
The biggest problem at that time was also a blasphemy and drug, while some MLA also underlined other problems such as illegal sand mining and alleged dominance in the private bus transportation sector.
Right in front of the Monsun session at that time, MLAS told CM that feedback about his government was not positive.
As a group of unhappy MLA has begun to organize themselves and they even hold a meeting, CM, after knowing about their activities, spreading dissatisfaction with half a dozen as his advisor as his advisor.
Then, when the Secretary of the Punjab Congress Sunil Jakhar began to get feedback from Ground in December 2019, mostly negative and he had to stop training to save his party’s government in shame.
In the third week of January 2020, the National President of the Sonia Gandhi party appointed two separate committees – the Manifesto implementation committee and the PPCC Coordination Committee.
Even as dissatisfaction in the party and among people written on the wall, the AICC Party Affairs responsible for Asha Kumari did not hold a meeting of two committees.
When Harish took care of him, the situation had deteriorated.
The District Congress Committee and PPCC have been dissolved until now and the Punjab congress of the President Sunil Jakhar remains without any team.
With the command of the Punjab High Court and Haryana about the case of the shooting of Kotkapura, the problem was spilled and then Ig Kunwar Vijay Parth, who later joined AAP, triggered a crisis for the congress in front of the media.
However, now he also faces questions about some problems, but damage to the congress has been carried out.
When the problem is about the performance of the State Government and the Navjot Singh Sidhu and Pargates Singh questioning CM and other MLA is also not happy with performance, problems such as caste and communal balance, which have never emerged before the current phase of the crisis, is appointed.
These problems, although initially taken to deflect the focus of questions about government performance, have added a layer of complexity again.

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