How do we eliminate the ‘Isis-K’ threat to Kabul Airport – News2IN
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How do we eliminate the ‘Isis-K’ threat to Kabul Airport

How do we eliminate the 'Isis-K' threat to Kabul Airport
Written by news2in

Washington: The US military carried out air strikes on vehicles suspected by Ied-Rigged who headed to Kabul airport on Sunday even when President Joe Biden traveled to the Air Force Base outside Washington to pay homage to suicide bombings in Afghanistan.
Airstrikes, followed up on drone attacks that killed two alleged ISIS-K operations, came as the August 31 deadline for American withdrawal from Afghanistan beat.
This marked the beginning of the new “over-the-the-the-horizon” war that suggested the US will not be intimidated by 300 Americans who are still stranded in Afghanistan and who faced prospects of retaliation by militants.
The Afghan crisis was immediately updated was an unconfirmed victim from air strikes – including children – who came after US agents said the second suicide attack was near and asked Americans to stay away from the airport.
US officials said only around 300 Americans remained in Afghanistan.
Many are believed to be an American-American or double citizens who do not want to leave.
US retired veterans and private contractors are said to be involved in filling out.
Read the Jugasafhanistan crisis: Rocket Hits House in Kabul, killing Chandan Afghanistan Chief said rockets had hit the northwest neighborhood of Kabul International Airport in the middle of the US evacuation there, killing a child.
Rashid, Police Chief Kabul who liked many Afghans passed with one name, the rocket said it struck Sunday afternoon.
There were no groups that immediately claimed Thethe Pentagon said the unmanned attack was carried out to defend himself and it removed the threat of Isis-K which would soon occur at the airport.
A significant secondary explosion of vehicles indicates the existence of a large number of explosives, he added.
Airstrikes occurred even when President Biden headed for the Airforce Dover basis for a dignified transfer ceremony that would see US military personnel who were killed respected.
Personnel Including Women’s Marines: Johanny Rosariopichardo, 25, from the Marine Women’s Engagement Team in Kabul Interacting with Afghan Women who are prohibited by Customs from foreigners, and Nicole Gee, 23, who have posted Instagram 20 August images themselves carrying Afghan babies With information “I love my job.” Biden, who had attended a dignified removal ceremony as vice president, previously tormented by the extremists of the right-wing who claimed that he had not gone to Dover even though the body had arrived.
Even though the body had arrived a few hours before and that the family of the members who were killed did not want it there.
The president and his committee continued to face attacks from the right questioning their competence with the appeal to the resignation of Jake Sullivan National Security Advisor and State Secretary Antony Blinken.
Read also will have ‘incorrect’ to carry out attacks in Afghanistan after August 31: Talibankabul: Taliban said that Washington would not have the right to attack AF State AF August 3, following the US drone strike in the province of Nangarhar Afghanistan, Geo News reported.
The government led by the Taliban will stop such attacks in Afghanistan after August 31, said Suhail Shaheen, spokesman pushed back on Sunday morning shown, specifically rejected the allegations that the Biden government had naively want a safe hallway for the airport for evacuation, which was claimed By some critics only allow the Taliban to hunt them.
“We do not give a list of all American SIV holders to the Taliban or other large types of lists …
Some of the ideas that we submit a database or register to the Taliban baseless and inaccurate,” Sullivan told CNN.

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