How E-waste from Delhi pollutes the air in Ghaziabad – News2IN

How E-waste from Delhi pollutes the air in Ghaziabad

How E-waste from Delhi pollutes the air in Ghaziabad
Written by news2in

Ghaziabad: Air quality monitoring station in Loni, where severe pollution from combustion e-waste pushes aqi ghaziabad some notches every day, will shift to the “forest area”.
This step will not reduce the level of pollution in the city, but reading at least will be better, environmental lovers have shown.
For several days in the past few weeks, Ghaziabad has been the worst city of the country in terms of pollution levels.
And Loni always has the worst AQI in the city.
Commissioner of Mahendra Singh Tanwar, who recently encouraged the idea to shift the monitoring station out of Loni, said the government had approved the proposal.
“Loni is one of the most polluted areas in this country.
Reading there influences the level of overall city air quality.
Because Loni is an independent municipality, Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation cannot share errors.
But it has a cascading effect on pollution.
We have submitted a proposal with the government State, who agreed to shift monitoring stations, “he added.
But why did Loni become Ghaziabad’s illness for years? “The area, which shares the border with Delhi, is the center of electronic waste.
Such waste is processed in Loni in an unscientific way to take print circuit boards, which in turn, resale.
But metal burning leads to a surge in PM10 and PM2.5 “Vikrant Sharma said, an environmental lover in the city.
“In the morning, the e-waste is transported from Delhi.
At night, they are dipped in various chemicals and heated in the pit furnace to be converted into metal selling.
Toxic smoke produced in the process mixed with air, causing pollutants to rise severely,” he added .
Utsav Sharma, regional officer of the pollution control board, agreed that e-waste was one of the main reasons for the high level of pollution in Loni.
He said the agency had acted against it from time to time.
“Loni shares the border with a part of Delhi which is the center of illegal e-waste, which is also processed in the capital.
The small portion of electronic waste in the form of a print circuit board entered Loni.
But that did not happen lately,” he said.
Between 3 and November 14, Loni registered AQI on average 419.
The average PM10 for the same period of time exceeded 550 UG / M3 and PM2.5 504 UG / M3.
Loni Mla Nand Kishor Gujjar admitted that non-scientific e-waste processing was a reason to be a concern.
“There are many areas in e-waste waste which are illegally processed .

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