How liveable is Delhi? Index to track all variables – News2IN

How liveable is Delhi? Index to track all variables

How liveable is Delhi? Index to track all variables
Written by news2in

NEW DELHI: The draft Master Plan for Delhi 2041 is a vision document that lays down the roadmap towards a “sustainable, liveable and vibrant Delhi”.
The document has also proposed a ‘Delhi Liveability Index’ for assessing the overall progress of the city in implementing the MPD, based on 20 key performance indicators (KPIs).
Out of the 20, ten core KPIs contribute to the Environmental Sustainability Index, which includes reduction in air pollution and controlling water pollution, green cover enhancement, rejuvenation of water bodies, wastewater reuse, groundwater augmentation, reducing flood risk, reducing stress on landfill sites and converting waste to wealth and increasing share of renewable energy.
Six core KPIs contribute to the Built Environment Index, which are seismic compliance, fire safety, more ‘small format’ housing, slum rehabilitation, apart from shift towards public transport and adoption of electric vehicles, which also contribute to the Environmental Sustainability Index.
Four core KPIs contribute to the City Vitality Index.
These are human development index, heritage conservation, vibrancy of public streets and participation of women in the workforce.
The Delhi Liveability Index would be an overarching index, which will be computed by using the progress against all 20 indicators, for which baseline data has already been collected by Delhi Development Authority (DDA).
DDA will launch an online citizen portal for providing information on a regular basis on the MPD 2041 and also respond to queries from citizens.
An online dashboard with real-time analysis of data and reporting on various milestones and achievements may be included within the portal, the draft MPD 2041 proposes.
The draft plan has proposed setting up three monitoring committees — Environmental Sustainability Committee, Built Environment Committee and City Vitality Committee – which will have representatives from concerned departments and civic agencies and shall be chaired by a senior officer from DDA.
These committees will monitor the progress achieved against the three goals of the MPD, develop an annual progress report and report on an annual basis to a high-powered Apex Review Committee, chaired by the lieutenant governor.
There will also be various coordination committees for multi-agency coordination, which will take stock of the progress, facilitate inter-agency coordination and address any hurdle for implementation.
A data protocol will be defined to decide the process, particulars and periodicity of sharing of data by concerned agencies, to ensure collation required data for supporting plan monitoring.
All the KPIs are quantitative and will be measured against desired targets for each five-year period between 2021 and 2041.
The committees will set the targets within the first year of plan implementation in consultation will all agencies involved.
A dedicated web portal will be set up by DDA for the agencies to upload the KPI data.

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