How many have high BP, diabetes? BMC survey soon – News2IN

How many have high BP, diabetes? BMC survey soon

How many have high BP, diabetes? BMC survey soon
Written by news2in

Mumbai: After the pandemic reveals that people with diabetes and hypertension are at high risk of severe Covid infection, BMC will start next week the most scientific survey to find out how much Milma Chaikar has suffered both of these two diseases.
Working with the World Health Organization, BMC will conduct a step survey that will also capture those at risk of non-contagious diseases such as cancer, heart disease or stroke.
“We plan to interview 6,000 people between 18-69 years and collect their samples to determine the prevalence of diabetes and hypertension in Mumbai, ” said Deputy BMC Executive Health Officer Dr.
Daksha Shah.
It has worked to identify 25 houses in each of the 238 blocks The census in the city has begun.
“One person from each of these 25 households will be chosen for the survey,” Shah said.
Participants must answer complex questionnaires that focus on behavior — level of physical activity, smoking, alcohol intake, among others, and also submit physical measurements and samples.
While the prevalence of diabetes in India is assumed about 10-11%, hypertension attacks almost one third of the adult population.
“Most of these estimates are taken in national level studies, but city special data is often lost,” said a BMC senior doctor.
National Family Health Survey – 5 by the International Institute of Population Science in Deonar shows more men than women who suffer from twins This, which is often called an epidemic of lifestyle.
It also shows almost 20% of the 15-plus population in the city requires drugs to maintain their sugar levels in the examination.
The appropriate number for hypertension is closer to 30%.
BMC hopes to get an estimated environmental level Or even pocket-wise for this disease.
“We will collect a number of samples that are almost the same as the slums and non-slums to understand the prevalence,” Shah said.
BMC had previously held diabetes detection camps in the neighborhood, but had not received a wide picture of a city.
WHO has designed a scientific survey step to assess the real prevalence of lifestyle or non-communicable diseases in any geographical region.
Covid has brought public health to be focused and the need for local and central governments to invest in the field.
Knowing vulnerable populations before emergency strikes will help develop strategies to contain diseases, whether they accumulate like Covid-19 or not contagious such as cancer or diabetes.

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