How Microsoft makes Windows 11 accessible for all – News2IN

How Microsoft makes Windows 11 accessible for all

How Microsoft makes Windows 11 accessible for all
Written by news2in

Tech Giants like Microsoft, Apple, Google has made sustainable efforts to make their products and services accessible by all.
Reaching people with disabilities and increasing accessibility ensures broader audience inclusion.
With Windows 11, Microsoft aims to make a better experience.
Microsoft said that it has “reshaped” Windows 11 in a way that tends to increase productivity, creativity, and ease of use.
Even though it feels familiar, with a desktop, start the menu, search, the taskbar, settings, there are several key elements of Windows 11 which makes it a window that might be more accessible to date.
Microsoft said that it took accessibility to consideration from the design stage, with inclusive design reviews of new features and redesigned.
Designing, according to Microsoft, is done in such a way that facilitates accessibility with and for people with disabilities.
Microsoft employs a trusted tester suitability test, test usability and other processes to help ensure Windows 11 can be accessed by most.
The use of auxiliary technology with Windows 11, Microsoft uses help technology such as narrators, magnifying glass, closed information and the introduction of Windows speech to support various defects.
From sound to themes, emphasis is given to make the whole experience better for people with disabilities.
For example, the introduction of dark themes will make it easier for people to struggle with light sensitivity.
The introduction of better greetings and morethose that has hearing defects, Microsoft has redesigned closed text themes that are easier to read and adjustable.
Along with all this, several sets of users can enjoy Windows’s voice typing, which uses artificial intelligence to recognize speech, copy and automatically add a point smoothly.
Ease of access to Microsoft settings redesigning accessibility settings to make it easier.
All accessibility features are available in experience outside the box and on log on log on and lock Sillah that the user can manage and use their devices independently

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