How Tihar wants to organize his house in a sequence – News2IN

How Tihar wants to organize his house in a sequence

How Tihar wants to organize his house in a sequence
Written by news2in

New Delhi: From identifying prisoners creates a disruption to transfer prison staff and searches in cells, this is how Tihan plans to control cases of collusion and law in prison.
The data accessed by Toi showed that last year 55 officials were suspended for violations.
They included one supervisor, seven deputy supervisors, 11 assistant supervisors, 14 head heads and 22 guards.
“Depending on gravity of violations, the staff concerned are suspended and notice given to him to explain the behavior.
After the reply, we carry out the department’s investigation and take action based on the findings,” said an officer.
About 25 new department questions were conducted last year, regardless of the decision taken at 38 for the old man.
Nearly 900 transfers were made in 2021.
“About 18 supervisors, 34 deputy supervisors, 114 supervisory assistants, 273 head heads and 458 guards were transferred in prison,” data said.
“The staff posted for more than two years in certain prisons were transferred for helping them remain fresh and motivated.
At the same time, this helps destroy the Nexus of prison staff who are immoral to criminals,” the officer added.
Officials have identified 150 prisoners who regularly create interference in prison.
More than 60% come from Tihar.
They regularly hit their heads on the wall or cut their hands with sharp objects or enjoy a fight.
“When their demands are not fulfilled, they create interference.
We turn their cells to solve the Nexus.
Such exercises are often repeated,” the officer said.
Regular surprise checks were also carried out in prison.
“Search is done regularly in every prison and organized by headquarters on certain information,” the officer said.
In most cases smuggling telephone, officers found that the handset was thrown from the outside.
“Often, our alert staff finds this phone before each inmates can take it.
However, it is likely that it cannot be ruled out that some staff can be nice in helping prisoners get this cellphone from the outside,” the officer said.
Sandeep Goel, Director General (Tihar) told Toi that they had taken a few steps to curb the incident.
“We are making regular transfers, taking action against staff found in collusion with prisoners and giving them briefs regularly.
We also focus on rotational policies for staff and prisoners,” he added.
Last year, Tihar had been on the dock to order gangsters who were imprisoned outside, Brawls, officials attacked or killed prisoners and provided unworthy assistance to punish, as in the case of Unitech, for the profit of money.
From Brazen’s murder, such as the Gangster Ankit Gujjar case, for the use of massive cellphones by inmates, Delhi’s prison has done some controversy.

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