How to policies ‘without warning’ Amazon can make life difficult for employees – News2IN

How to policies ‘without warning’ Amazon can make life difficult for employees

How to policies 'without warning' Amazon can make life difficult for employees
Written by news2in

Performance improvement plan (or pips) is one of the most feared things for every employee.
If you ‘put it in a pip’ then usually the sign that you might have to start looking for a new job.
But for people who work in Amazon, things are more scary.
As part of the performance management tool ‘focus’ Amazon, your manager should not warn you if your performance is monitored, according to the report by the Seattle Times.
Amazon does not want his employees to know that their performance is not in accordance with the brand and their work under supervision.
In other words, you won’t even know if you’ve been ‘put in a pip’.
And before you officially know that you have become a low-performance employee, you might lose a job on Amazon.
In accordance with the Amazon policy, employees will find out whether their performance is under supervision only when he asks the manager.
When employees face the focus tool on Amazon, it is possible he might be “depressed” to stop.
“Amazon tracks the number of employees who focus on the context fulfill its objectives for” friction that is not intended, “About 6% of Amazon’s office employees hope to suppress the company every year, according to Amazon Internal Human Resources documents,” as per report by the Seattle Times , This report adds that Amazon wants more than a third of low-performance employees tracked by the focus tool to “fail in the program” and leave the company.
The only thing is that employees will never know that the focus tool traces their performance.
The report also stated that some employees knew that they focused “accidentally” after they submitted a transfer to another team.
“They describe the experience of not knowing whether they focus, or how to release it, because of emotional drying,” he added.

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