Humans get live for murder – News2IN

Humans get live for murder

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: A 37-year-old man was sentenced to prison on Thursday because he killed his paramour in October 2015.r Nagaraj, a construction worker from Nathegounundenpudur near Alandurai, has developed an extramarital affair with Chitra, 35, from Ambedkar Colony near Madampatti.
Chitra, who has separated from her husband, asked Nagaraj to leave his family so that they could live together.
However, Nagaraj refused to do it.
On October 26, 2015, Nagaraj took Chitra to Lakshmi Garden Area in Madampatti.
They suddenly began to fight for this problem.
In anger, he suffocated him to death using sari and escaped.
Create police have registered the case and arrested him.
On Thursday, Judge Padma from the third additional district judge court was sentenced to Nagaraj for a lifelong imprisonment and slapped the fine of Rs 2,000.

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