Hundreds of families moved ordered to leave kabul by the Taliban – News2IN

Hundreds of families moved ordered to leave kabul by the Taliban

Written by news2in

KABUL: Hundreds of families moved living in Kabul in the middle of the battle throughout the country which precedes the Taliban takeover in August, has now been ordered to return to their homes.
Deputy Minister of Refugees and Taliban-led repatriation, “this process begins today and will continue, thus all (refugees) families in Kabul will return to their province,” Tolonews reported.
More than 2,000 families have been moved and live in Kabul, Taliban said.
The evacuation of moved families is being carried out in collaboration with donor organizations.
Mihruddin, who is a resident of Baghlan, struggles to receive assistance because he is specifically.
“I have not received assistance.
The small assistance provided, which is capable,” he said, toloneews reported.
Squeezing Abdul, who is the resident of Kunduz said, “We have a request to immediately move people, people become sick, have more than a month we are here.” Hundreds of families moved in Kabul live in tents or in open areas and the situation is terrible during the winter approaching.
The World Food Program (WFP) said that the country faced severe economic conditions and also warned the economic crisis in the coming weeks.
Mary-Ellen McGroarty, WFP representatives and state director for Afghanistan said, “The economy is on the edge of the collapse in Afghanistan.
There is a cash crisis.
The bank has closed their doors, but they are now opened.
You can only take it 200 dollars.
Savings cannot be accessed For people who have a little money in the bank.
The Afghan currency has decreased significantly, “Tolonews reported, various donor organizations and countries have provided humanitarian support to Afghanistan in the form of aid, but still, but still, a large number of people remain Outside reach this assistance and still need support.

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