Hundreds of hundreds of passport offices in the Afghan capital – News2IN

Hundreds of hundreds of passport offices in the Afghan capital

Hundreds of hundreds of passport offices in the Afghan capital
Written by news2in

KABUL: Hundreds of Afghans flocked to the passport office in Kabul on Wednesday, only the day after the news that would be reopened this week to issue documents, while the security of the Taliban must defeat several attempts to maintain order.
Taliban officials said that services would be continued since Saturday, after being suspended since their takeover and the previous government’s fall in August, which was stranded by many of them who were desperate to escape from the country.
“I came to get a passport but, as you can see here, there are many problems, the system doesn’t work,” A applicant, Advanced Rasoolol, told Reuters outside the office.
“There are no officials to answer our questions here to tell us when to come.
People are confused.” A spokesman for Taliban official who runs the passport department did not immediately respond to a comment request.
Poverty and hunger deteriorated since the Islamic movement took over Afghanistan, who had suffered from drought and pandemic Covid-19.
Half a million people have been displaced in recent months, the United Nations, and the number will only grow if health services, school and the economy are damaged.
The hundreds who descended at the passport office came although there was a suggestion that the passport distribution would only begin on Saturday, and at first only for those who had registered.
The crowd pressed a large concrete barrier, trying to submit documents to an official who was standing on it, in the scene reminiscent of chaos at Kabul Airport at the last stage of evacuation after withdrawal of troops A.S.
The official urged them to return home and returned on Saturday.
“I am here to receive a passport, but unfortunately I can’t,” said a man in the crowd, Ahmad Shakib Sidiqi.
“I don’t know what we have to do in this condition.” The gloomy economic outlook encourages their desire to leave, said Sidiqi and Rasoololi.
“There is no work and the economic situation is not too good, so I want to have a good future for my children,” said Rasoolol.
Sidiqi said he wanted a passport to accompany his family members to neighboring Pakistan to seek medical care, but added they had no choice except to leave.
“We have to leave Afghanistan,” he said.
“This is a bad situation in Afghanistan – no work, it doesn’t work.
This is not a good condition for us to live.” Taliban said they welcomed international assistance, although many donors freeze their help after they took power.

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