Hunter Biden Painting Pose Challenge Ethics for the President – News2IN

Hunter Biden Painting Pose Challenge Ethics for the President

Hunter Biden Painting Pose Challenge Ethics for the President
Written by news2in

Washington: The White House has set a setting that will enable the son of President Joe Biden Hunter to sell his artwork for tens of thousands of dollars without knowing the identity of the buyer, an agreement established in an effort to avoid the potential of ethical problems that surround the sale.
, Under settings, the owner of the private art gallery will set prices for his work and will handle all offers and sales, but will not share information about buyers or prospective buyers with hunters or anyone in the administration.
The agreement was first reported by Washington Post.
Secretary of the White Press Building Jen PSAKI said Friday that the Gallerist would reject “any offer of normal courses” and that the administration believed in the agreement “provide sufficient level of protection and transparency.” “After careful consideration, a system has been established which allows Biden hunters to work in his profession in reasonable protection,” he told reporters.
“Of course he has the right to pursue an artistic career, just like a child of a president who has the right to pursue a career.” This marks one of the first high-profile tests of the President’s commitment to ethical rules that are far more stringent for family and administrative officials than its predecessor, Donald Trump, who has daughters and daughter-in-law works for him in the White House and often spends the taxpayer dollar in its own property.
On his first day as president, Biden signed an executive command that requires a more stringent ethical commitment of all administrative personnel, but Hunter’s private transactions have attracted supervision in the past, with some critics expressing concerns that he tried to get profit from the use of his father’s name so far.
Lobotying works and works with Ukrainian energy companies.
Hunter Biden has now transferred his focus to the world of art.
According to an interview in Artnet, Georges Berges, the art dealer who will sell his work, plans to host a personal view for the son of President in Los Angeles and an exhibition in New York.
The paintings cost from $ 75,000 to a piece of paper up to half a million dollars for large-scale paintings, the dealer said.
It was far more than an ordinary artist without much experience or a lot of sales under his belt, and it was one reason Richard Painter, the White House ethics lawyer during the George W.
Bush administration, said he was uncomfortable about his arrangement.
“I’m really surprised at the price,” he said.
“That’s part of the appearance problem.” Concerns, he said, is that regardless of who buys painting, a high price like that shows Hunter Biden is a profit from his father’s name.
The painter is worried that foreign governments can fund purchases through buyers, or lobbyists can buy those paintings to win with those who are in the Orbit Biden, even if Hunter and his father do not know the identity of the buyer.
Painter said ideally, Hunter would wait to sell his paintings until his father left the office, to avoid any appearance of unhappiness, but because he turned to this road to make a living, buyer and price for each painting must be revealed and responded again.
any work with administration.
“I will not choose the confidentiality route.
I will go on a transparency route,” he said.
Biden executive order signed a re-established and expanded on many era era Obama rules.
It recovered a two-year ban on the senior tower who departed to communicate with their former agency and expanded the ban to enter communication with the staff of the White House senior.
It also rebuilt the ban on two-year Obama-era in lobbyists working on the problems they lobui in the administration, among others.
He was also committed before serving that there were no family members who would work in his government.
The painter said that while the agreement on Painting Hunter Biden was not ideal, the overall government had displayed a real increase in ethics in Biden’s predecessor.
“It’s minimal compared to Trump,” he said.
“We definitely have a much less problem with Biden.”

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