Hurray-appa! Gujarat Jewel is now a world heritage site – News2IN

Hurray-appa! Gujarat Jewel is now a world heritage site

Hurray-appa! Gujarat Jewel is now a world heritage site
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: Dholavira, an era metropolis Harappan in the Kutch Gujarat region, obtained the coveted UNESCO world heritage site tag (WHS) on Tuesday, ended up waiting for eight years.
Dholavira became the fourth WHS in Gujarat after Champaner, Rani Ki Vav in Patan, and the historic city of Ahmedabad.
It is the Second WHS Honor for India in less than a week – Ramappa Temple in Warangal Telangana was given the status on July 25.
The first representation for Dholavira inscriptions was made in 2014 by the Indian government.
The ancient city, was discovered in 1967 and was excavated in 1989-90 for the first time, was the second largest Harappan site after Rakhigarhi in India.
Inhabited for around 1,200 years starting 3000 BC, experts said.
Joy erupted among archaeologists, historians and academics in Gujarat and India after the official announcement of the Dholavira’s new title was made at around 3:30 a.m.
during the 44th session ongoing the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.
Experts say that after Mohenjodaro in Pakistan, Dholavira is a second Harappan site to get tags in South Asia and the first of India.
“Really happy with this news.
Dholavira is an important urban center and is one of our most important relationships with our past,” PM Narendra Modi Tweeted as soon as the news broke out.
“It must be visited, especially for those who are interested in history, culture and archeology.” PM also mentioned that he had visited Dholavira during his disciple and was fascinated by the place.
“As cm from Gujarat, I have the opportunity to work on aspects related to the conservation and recovery of inheritance in Dholavira,” he tweeted.
“Our team also works to make tourism friendly infrastructure there.” Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani calls it a proud moment for Gujarat.
Cultural Minister of Union G Kiswan Reddy Tweeted that Dholavira is the 40th ‘treasure’ of India to be given an HSA UNESCO inscription.
“Today is a boast day for India, especially for Gujarat people,” he tweeted.
R Bisht, former Archaeologist Deputy Guards from the Indian Archaeological Survey, who led the excavation team in 1989-90 in Dholavira, said that he was happy with the news.
“This city is truly a world heritage site and window to the past,” he said.
“We have learned a lot about civilization Harappan from the location, and continues to do it.”

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