ICAI CA 2021: SC Favors CA Exam In July, agree to consider opt-out options for students – News2IN

ICAI CA 2021: SC Favors CA Exam In July, agree to consider opt-out options for students

New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday said it supported the Cartered Accountant (CA) exam directly and refrained from going through all the direction to postpone the schedule starting on July 5.
The bench is headed by justice A.M.
Khanwilkar said students with Covid had to get an opt-out option.
The bench consisting of Judge Dinesh Maheshwari and Aniruddha Bose Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) to present records that combine court suggestions, other deliberations and ICAI stand on it.
The bench said he would continue the order on the petition connected to the CA exam after reading the notes and delaying this problem for Wednesday.
The bench in principle agreed that the CA exam could be held starting July 5, and asked ICAI to consider his advice to provide opportunities for candidates to choose the center of his choice.
The court for agreed to consider the application of giving students who would not appear for the exam due to restrictions on Covid-19.
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ICAI Counsel is sent before the bench that students appear for the exam will be given another opportunity if they face difficulties in taking the exam because of the restrictions of Covid-19.
Senior Advocates of Ramji Srinivasan, representing ICAI, submitted ICAI has given choice to choose students who descend with Covid-19 and Chief Medical Officers can issue certificates for students.
He stressed that anyone who faced difficulties will be given another opportunity.
The top court asks ICAI to come up with a policy where competent authority can issue a certificate that explains why a positive student Covid-19 cannot appear for an upcoming CA examination.
Senior Advocate Meenakshi Arora, represents the applicant, citing related problems in obtaining a positive RT-PCR test report for students who cannot write the exam because of Covid.
He added that students who live in the detention zone may not be able to take the RT-PCR test and ICAI must examine these problems faced by students.
Arora submitted the July exam schedule was the last chance to appear according to the old syllabus.
The bench notes that people who recover from Covid, may have long-term problems and they may not be able to appear in the exam.
“General policies can be adopted where official agents can state that it cannot appear in the exam”, add a bench.
Bench told ICAI advice that they could take a certificate as a valid certificate as a RT-PCR test site so that candidates can take the next examination.
“There is no test RT-PCR.
Some negative people are actually positive.
Evolving the policy that someone can ratify why someone cannot appear”, add a bench.
The above court heard a number of petitions in connection with the CA exam scheduled in July.

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