ICMR rules out testing for travel & surger – News2IN
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ICMR rules out testing for travel & surger

ICMR rules out testing for travel & surger
Written by news2in

New Delhi: In the midst of a steep increase in Covid-19 cases throughout the country, the Board of Indian Research Medical (ICMR) on Monday issued a new advisor to release testing requirements for various categories including Covid-19 contact contacts confirmed unless identified as ” High risk “based on age or comorbidity.
In addition, he also released asymptomatic patients who underwent a surgical or non-surgical invasive procedure including pregnant women being hospitalized for delivery, unless needed or symptoms.
“There are no emergency procedures (including operations and shipping) must be postponed due to lack of tests,” ICMR said in advisors about ‘purposive testing strategies for Covid-19’.
It also said that patients received may not be tested more than once a week.
In addition, individuals who make domestic travel between countries also do not need to be tested.
This guideline came even as a Daily Covid-19 facing near the 1.8 lakh sign on Sunday.
According to new advisers, individuals without symptoms, patients are dismissed from the Covid-19 facility according to the revised disposal policy and those disposed of in line with home insulation guidelines do not need to be tested.
ICMR said testing can be done either through RT-PCR, Truenat, Cbat, Crispr, RT-Lamp, a rapid molecular testing system or through a quick antigen test (mouse).
Positive point-of-care tests (houses or self-test / mice tests) and molecules are considered as confirmation without repeat testing, the adviser said.
Simtomatic individuals, negative testing at home / test self-test or mice must do a RT-PCR test, which is stated.
A further advisor states that individuals without symptoms in community arrangements, people who stand are repatriated according to house and patient’s isolation norms and “repatriated” of the Covid facility according to the revised release policy also do not need to be tested.

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