If BJP Govt brings the excise rate of the UPA regime, the price of gasoline will go down to RS 50-60: Bagu Bhupesh – News2IN

If BJP Govt brings the excise rate of the UPA regime, the price of gasoline will go down to RS 50-60: Bagu Bhupesh

If BJP Govt brings the excise rate of the UPA regime, the price of gasoline will go down to RS 50-60: Bagu Bhupesh
Written by news2in

Raipur: Minister Chhattisgarh Bhupesh Baghel on Friday accused the central government led by BJP maintaining customs for higher fuel than the upa regime and requesting the excise center to the same level.
Baghel said that if the center brought the excise rate of the Upa regime, the price of gasoline will go down to Rs 50 to 60.
Speaking to reporters, Baghel said, “First of all customs during RS 9 and today Rs 27 and Rs 32, Customs It must be taken to that level first.
If we talk about VAT in the state, former Minister Chhattisgarh Raman Singh and Bharatiya Janata must examine it, our government has not increased VAT in the past three years.
If the BJP government returns customs which during the government upa, prices Gasoline will return to Rs 50 to Rs 60.
Prices will definitely decrease.
“Respond to questions about VAT about the price of gasoline and diesel which reduced in the countries ruled by BJP, Chief Chief Chhattisgarh said,” Is there a notice? It is said that VAT has diminished in countries ruled by BJP, but have them issue a notification about the same thing? Yesterday, it was there Lah holiday, please show notification.
“Baghel further said that the price of gasoline and diesel must be reduced further.” The Congress has protested the same and even today, we demand that excise tasks must be taken to the same level, which as the government’s time is upa in 2014.
Reducing The price of RS 5 is ‘Lollipop’.
First, increase the price of Rs 30 and then subtract with RS 5.
Reduce to Rs 9 and we will welcome it.
“Baghel’s statement came after the Ministry of Finance on Wednesday announced deductions at Rs 5 per liter in customs in gasoline and 10 per liter of Pieces in customs in Diesel More than three years.
Talking about celebrating Puja Govardhan in the state, Baghel said, “Govardhan Puja is celebrated throughout the country.
It has special significance in Chhattisgarh because the government has decided to celebrate diwas today.
In Gauthan, the way different activities are carried out, directly benefiting farmers, farmers and self-help groups.
Those who are Cattlemen, those who do not have land also collect and sell cow dung and use it.
We have also added more than RS 110 Crore in a farmer’s account.
“He further urged people to donate the stump of rice instead of burning it who can act as animal feed.” Because of carbon emissions, the environment is being affected.
And through Govardhan Puja, Lord Krishna has worshiped the environment.
And if we want to save the environment, don’t burn the stump of rice but donate it so that it can be used as food for fodder for our livestock which will ensure that they don’t numb hungry.
And through this, dirt will be produced and we will make Vermicompost, the work will be generated through this process and this income will be produced.
It will also encourage organic farming, which will be better for our health, “he added.

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