‘If you have tested positive, wait for 3 months to Booster’ – News2IN

‘If you have tested positive, wait for 3 months to Booster’

'If you have tested positive, wait for 3 months to Booster'
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Health workers and Frontline and senior citizens who have recently tested positive for Covid-19 are advised to wait at least three months before they consider taking booster shots, experts say.
Booster’s shot, which has been called the government, caution shot, will be launched from Monday.
Those who have completed nine months since their second shot is administered will be eligible for the third dose.
Hundreds of frontliners and health workers, though, have been tested positively in an omicron surge.
According to Dr.
Om Srivastava, an infectious disease and a member of the task force, after someone recovered from Covid-19, the ideal time for a booster shot will be after six weeks to three months.
“There isn’t enough to know how long the natural immunity takes place, so it’s always advised to be driven even if someone has an infection and has taken two previous shots,” he said.
The center said in his current policy that people who had tested positively had to wait for 90 days before they proceeded to take the next vaccine shot.
Naveen Thacker, a vaccination expert, said that the same rules must apply to booster too.
“People have to wait for three months at least before being pushed after the recent infection.
If someone is very interested in vaccinated, they can do it after two weeks recover from infection.
But, because the body already has natural immunity, taking a booster so early it won’t be much benefit, “he said.
The central recently announced that the prudential dosage must homologically, or the same as the first two Covid-19 vaccine shots.
So, anyone who has taken Covaxin will get the same vaccine, while those who have taken the covishield will be given the same vaccine.
Mixing and matching vaccines have been ruled out for now.
Civil officials said they would offer booster from Monday, but not many tend to meet the immediate requirements.
Maharashtra has been given an estimated 29 lakh people over 60 years with comorbidity which will be eligible for booster.
In Mumbai, almost 3 lakh tends to fall under the category.
Officials said that senior citizens did not have to carry any certificates to prove their comorbidity.
Those who have completed nine months or 39 weeks from the date of the second dose will receive a message from Cowin to vaccinate.

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