IIIT-the directors given this year’s educator award, 2021 – News2IN

IIIT-the directors given this year’s educator award, 2021

IIIT-the directors given this year's educator award, 2021
Written by news2in

Prayagraj: Making City and Proud Institutions, Director of the Indian Information Technology Institute, Allahabad (IIITI-A), Prof.
P Nagabhushan, has been given to the prestigious award of the IEEE Uttar Pradesh, an IEEE constituent organization unit, United States.
IEEE has recognized Prof.
Nagabhushan with an award-2021 educator, for its extraordinary contribution and exemplary service in the field of technical education and to promote IEEE at various levels.
Safe! You have managed to throw your votelogin to see the results considered to be awarded, and among them, Prof.
Nagabhushan was found the most appropriate based on the services of academic, technical and social offered by the nation to him.
This award will be served during the General Body Meeting (GMS) Uttar Pradesh on January 16 at Lucknow.
In particular, Prof.
Nagabhushan as Director of IIIt-A has conducted several reformative programs, including removing the stereotypical examination system and that succeeded in introducing an assessment system on IIIit-a.
In addition, new courses such as business informatics, PhDs for professionals and Mou with ISRO are important achievements from the Institute.
All IIIT – Brotherhood has congratulated Prof.
Nagabhushan because it was chosen for prestigious educators about the awards of the 2021.

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