IIT-K, IIT-Madras conducts studies to help reduce lead pollution – News2IN

IIT-K, IIT-Madras conducts studies to help reduce lead pollution

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Kanpur: India – Kanpur Institute of Technology and Indian-Madras Institute of Technology is conducting research to find out the right policy instruments to help India reduce lead pollution.
They collectively see lead recycling problems because it can endanger the mental and physical health of people and pollution environment.
While recycling leads in informal arrangements, workers break lead acid batteries in a way that causes acid spills and lead dust in the soil and the environment.
Also, tin melts in the air open furnace that pollutes.
The way this lead recycling is not only dangerous for the environment but also for health workers involved in the recycling process.
However, many choose this process because of the low cost.
This study suggests that policy guidelines such as reducing taxes in the recycling sector are regulated and provided subsidies to regulate recycling and re-construction sectors reduce lead pollution from recycling lead-acid batteries.
Another important finding is that a very high subsidy for the formal re-making sector can cause the closure of the recycling sector that is set and not regulated.
The research team includes Dr.
RK Amit, Professor of Management Study Department, IIT Madras and Iit Kanpur Alumnus, Dr.
B Vipin, Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Industry & Management, Dr.
Janakarajan Ramkumar, Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, IIT-K, and Brahmesh Vinayak Joshi from IIT-K.
The team published the results of their work in respectable international research resources, conservation and recycling.
According to Dr.
Vipin and Prof.
Ramkumar, “Recycling of current acid-acid batteries in India is a complex process involving competition between organized and unorganized sectors, with disorganished recycles have the main market share.
As a sector that does not Organized does not pay attention to laws and regulations, high lead emissions.
In this context, we model the system and analyze the impact of economic policy instruments in recycling lead acid batteries in India to reduce lead emissions.
RK Amit said,” The inadequacy of the main main source To meet the request of making used battery recycling is needed.
However, a recognized recycling method has posted a serious environmental threat and health.
We learn to assess the quantitative impact of various policy instruments to shift recycled businesses from unorganized sectors .
“Iit stated that a lapo RAN by UNICEF titled ‘The Toxic Truth: Children’s Exposure to Lead Pollution weakens the potential generation’ estimated to be about one third of children in the world, including 27.5 crores of Indian children, has their higher blood exposure to 5 micrograms Decilitre or more – a dangerous level for their health.
Although high lead levels are equally dangerous for adults, the lead level in children is known to reduce IQ, reduce the span of attention, causing disorders of anemia, kidneys and liver, including others in children.

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