IIT researchers develop models to detect several diseases on apple tree leaves using images – News2IN

IIT researchers develop models to detect several diseases on apple tree leaves using images

IIT researchers develop models to detect several diseases on apple tree leaves using images
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PATIALA: Research scholars in IIT Ropar in collaboration with ABV – IIITIM Gwalior has developed a model to detect several diseases on apple tree leaves with 90% accuracy using the pictures.
Scholars now work to develop an Android application that will help farmers to detect diseases on apple leaves only on one click and will also get a solution to their problems.

The researchers say that the Neurve Neural Network (CNN) model is in use for automatic disease detection in apple tree leaves and will further classify into various categories including healthy, panat apple, rust cedar apple, and several diseases, using the pictures.
They said various augmentation techniques of images were included in this study to increase the size of the dataset.
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This research has been published in international journals in July this year.
The researchers bluffed that this would not only save time for farmers but also money because the needs of experts could be minimized in certain situations.
For farmers in a remote area, where plant pathology services are not easily accessible, this automatic detection will prove more useful.
The researchers currently work to expand the image classes below the focus to enter other categories of leaf diseases.
In addition, work to develop Android-based applications for farmers, is ongoing, to detect the types of diseases in their plants and provide a disease solution to farmers in their local language.
“Automatic detection of diseases in plants is needed, because it reduces large agricultural monitoring work and will detect disease in the early stages of its incident to minimize further plant degradation.
The current approach to identify diseases by a slow and not optimal expert for large agriculture.
The world produces around 86 million tons of apples by 2020, and production and consumption have increased since then.
However, the average results of national apples are low compared to the potential of apples.
The main factors for the low production of apples are ecological factors, poor post-harvest technology, poorly pushed In basic research, quality planting supply is inadequate for farmers and socio-economic constraints, etc.
Despite the high benefits and treatment, Apple.
Trees are susceptible to various diseases caused by insects and microorganisms such as bacteria.
Take time determination of conditions such as it’s on the leaves can m Embanti Farmers and prevent further losses by taking the right action “, said, Rahul Kumar, a research scholar from IIT Ropar who worked with Prakhar Bansal and Somesh Kumar from the ABV-IIITIM Gwalior, India had done this research.

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