Image of the ‘Biden-Harris’ Virus Sticker in a Fake Talibani Truck – News2IN
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Image of the ‘Biden-Harris’ Virus Sticker in a Fake Talibani Truck

Image of the 'Biden-Harris' Virus Sticker in a Fake Talibani Truck
Written by news2in

The claima photo of a mini truck carrying armed terrorists was circulated with a claim that the Talibani militia drove a vehicle bearing the ‘Biden-Harris’ sticker on his bumper.
Meanwhile at #afganistan ROB CIPRA (@RobCipra) 1630024570000 flag ‘Biden-Harris’, stickers, merchandise etc.
used as part of a political campaign by the Democrats until 2020 the US presidential election.
@thecjpearson @Jeebiden Do you see the Taliban new bumper stickers? 😂 B (@BrandonsBlog) 1630287118000 Dear images used to insinuate two things widely.
First, from all vehicles and military equipment left by the US in Afghanistan before running away, the truck that bears the ‘Biden-Harris’ sticker is also part of it.
Secondly, Talibani’s terrorist thanked Biden-Harris for handing over Afghanistan to them after 20 years.
Truththe Image is a digital version of the 1996 photo that caught Talibani’s terrorist being transported towards the front line.
Verification and methodology of reverse-image search methods, we found a portion of the original image published in a report from Desert News on August 21, 2010.
The picture was taken on October 16, 1996 and was told of ‘this combination image showed the Taliban militia army in a pickup truck towards The front line in North Surobi, Afghanistan, near Kabul, October 16, 1996 ‘.
Original photos are credited to the Associated Press (AP).
Take a signal from this, we then traced the original image as a whole on the official website of the AP image, where credit was given to ‘AP Photo / John Moore, Farah Abdi Warsameh’.
The original image has a ‘Toyota’ sticker and not ‘Biden-Harris’.
Check the fact VERTAK has found that the viral image of the ‘Biden-Harris’ sticker on the Talibani pick-up truck is digitally edited.

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