Immediately, Find Desi Decegran, Langdas in the US – News2IN
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Immediately, Find Desi Decegran, Langdas in the US

Immediately, Find Desi Decegran, Langdas in the US
Written by news2in

New Delhi: After years of trust deficit on trade issues, the US on Tuesday agreed to ease the rules for the export of mango and pomegranate in return for India that allowed delivery of American cherries and alfalfa straw, while sending a message that the two democracy was willing to remove obstacles to Greater strengthening and faster than bilateral bond.
During the First Trade Policy Forum Meeting in Four Years, Trade and Minister of Industry Pyush Goyal and US Trade Representatives Katherine Tai identified 40 problems – 18 from Americans and 22 of India — for resolution bound time, amid indications that Indian shrimp and wine American pork tables and pork may be numbered for higher shipments in the port instead of being stuck in a quality maze and standard inspection.
At present, testing norms such as Dussehri and Langda Mango cannot get to the American retail chain rack but with the US which shows that the Indian oversight mechanism will be accepted, things can change.
“Clear message is that the relationship should not be transactional but must be based on trust and understanding,” said a senior official.
The meeting came in the background of PM Narendra Modi and American President Joe Biden’s decision to “develop an ambitious joint vision for the future of trade relations”.
In the midst of the intention to take economic relations with the next level, there is a lower current on expanding strategic bonds at the Quad level to economic relations as well, the source said, adding that Washington is responsive to provide preferential access to Indian goods under the general preference system, such as and When the law already exists, a step that will help corner some spaces emptied by Chinese products.
A joint statement also strives to overcome the supply chain problems that have emerged in recent months when companies see diversify their production base and countries to reduce their dependence on China.
“The ministers recognize the importance of creating a strong and safe supply chain.
In this context, they agreed that India and the US can, along with the same-minded partners, take the main role in developing a safe supply chain in the critical sectors of trade and technology, “That said.
In addition, there is a mention of “sharing a regular perspective on problems, including cyberspace, semiconductors, AI, 5G, 6G and future generation telecommunications technology”, problems that have public discomfort and Chinese companies.
Another good news is the recognition of the need to strengthen the relationship of goods related to health, as well as services, with a joint statement to handle India’s concern for the delay in the Inspection of US Regulations on Facility of Pharma As.
Even the problem of closing prices debated on medical devices such as stents seems to have been handled positively because of the US “acknowledged the work carried out by the India to achieve a balance between access to medical devices at affordable prices and availability of edge medical technology cuts”.

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