Impact of Candy Sale Viruses, Kites on Sankranti Makars – News2IN

Impact of Candy Sale Viruses, Kites on Sankranti Makars

Written by news2in

Ranchi: Sankranti Makar, Harvest Festival observed in various communities remains a low key with a business that correlates due to the impact of Covid and partial market closure.
Flying kites and special candy sales such as “Tilkut” and “Til Ladoo” take a blow because people stay in the room.
Traders also blame bad weather for gloomy sales.
With low sales and no advantage, store owners are focused on at least restoring the current amount invested, basically we focus on sales so that at least we can restore the amount we have invested.
With Corona at its peak, we can hardly expect profits.
When we employ workers from Bihar involved in manual candy production, we just try to sell as much as possible to pay their wages.
“Sales of Tilkut and Sweetmeat others are seasonal and with the Conclusion of Sankranti Makar, Temporary Shops must attract window windows.
Most of Tilkut makers are arranged for business in December every year.” We started making Tilkuts and other products which are winter favorites.
We mainly install a kiosk during Sankranti’s treason.
However, sales began from December themselves, “said Shankar Kumar Chauhan, who sells candy on the roadside in Lalpur.
With sales of candy viewing plunges for sale during covid, seasonal business kites, have also seen sharp falls.
With a breeze The cold and intermittent rainfall since the last few days, customers prefer to remain in the comfort of their home.
The weather has added to their misery, feeling the shop owner.
Nitin, a shopkeeper based in Lalpur, said, “the price of the kite has been Many have changed over the past few years.
With Covid, people avoid social meetings.
Sankranti Makar, a festival where people gather to fly kites, have been hit hard, producing a big loss.
This year, sales have fallen about half a year earlier.

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