In 4 districts Raj, more vaxed for covid than men – News2IN

In 4 districts Raj, more vaxed for covid than men

In 4 districts Raj, more vaxed for covid than men
Written by news2in

Jaipur: In four state districts, more women have been vaccinated against Covid-19 compared to men, according to data issued by the Ministry of Health.
This includes Jhunjhunu from where Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the ‘Beti Bachao, Iron Padhao, 2018.
Dungarpur campaign, Nagaur and Rajsamand are the other three districts where women have been inoculated.
While 47,745 more women received Jab in Dungrapur than men, reported the highest gender differences in vaccination between the fourth, Jhunjhunu was second.
Jhunjhunu was second with 36,233 other doses, followed by the 19,162 and Rajsamand 13,837 more doses.
The Head of Dungarpur Medical Health Officer (CMHO) Dr.
Rajesh Sharma said, “We have conducted an aggressive consciousness campaign in collaboration with the administrative district in our district and encouraged women to take Jab.
This proved to be beneficial to us.
We use pictures of women influencing for the campaign .
Also, we hung out on the staff of women going to the door to door and to persuade women to be vaccinated.
“Jhunjhunu District in Shekhawati region which marked the campaign for gender equality in 2018, vaccinated 9.28.403 8.92.170 women than men.
The district has reported the lowest child sex ratio (CSR) at 837 per census in 2011 in the state.
Already, since then, made significant progress in the category.
The gender ratio between April 2015 and March 2016 was 903 in this district, which increased to 944 between 2016-17, and 979 at 2020-21.
This district witnessed the queue of women’s snakes in urban and rural areas as well.
“In Jhunjhunu, women are more aware because they are literate.
Jhunjhunu is one of the highest women’s literacy level in the state according to the 2011 census also made a positive impact among women, “said Rajan Chaudhary, a social activist based in Jhunjhunu, who has played a big role in saving girls by helping the state government in carrying out feed operations to capture those involved in the Feticide Feticide and do tests Determination of sex.
The Ministry of Health official also focuses on increasing women’s participation.
“According to the trend here, more women are vaccinated than men in the district.
We have encouraged them to reach those who live in remote areas.
We have taken the help of Pancayati Raj Institutions and public representatives in rural areas to create awareness among women.
We Strategically plan our vaccination site to ensure that women get a vaccine dose near their home, “said Dr.
Dayanand Singh, Reproduction and Child Health (RCHO), Jhunjhunu.
“Women in Jhunjhunu are more aware of vaccinations because they are literate and work in various sectors.
There are women who serve in the army, medical, education and other sectors.
This also made a positive impact on female vaccination in the district,” said Dr.
Nagaur, which stands second in the amount of vaccination carried out in the state, has provided more doses to women than men.
Officials said that they had established more vaccination centers in rural areas and, in other areas, it was planned in such a way that women had easy access to facilities.
Rajsamand has come all four in the district list that has provided more doses in women than men.

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