In 6 Chart: How Delta Storm Awakes American Covid Horror – News2IN
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In 6 Chart: How Delta Storm Awakes American Covid Horror

In 6 Chart: How Delta Storm Awakes American Covid Horror
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Of only 4,000 daily cases two months ago to more than 2 lakh this week, the US has witnessed a dramatic decline in the Covid situation with the Delta variant spreading its tentacles throughout the country.
Filled with full in many countries, hospitals are forced to turn patients or treat them in the hallway.
Death has begun to surge again with the country who witnessed 1,000 deaths every day for the past four days.
Meanwhile, nearly 38% of the population had not received a single dose of vaccines, triggering concerns about how the pandemic would map its path in the worst Covid affected country.
Here are six graphs that explain the Covid crisis in the US …
Delta Delughe Covid the situation in the US deteriorated that Sunday, with the country witnessing a 12 percent increase in new cases of everyday.
The average moving 7 days has violated 1.5 lakh-mark again – the first in almost eight months when the last US witnessed a surge if it happened.
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