In Doha, the mini mini Taliban requires good relations with the world – News2IN

In Doha, the mini mini Taliban requires good relations with the world

In Doha, the mini mini Taliban requires good relations with the world
Written by news2in

Doha: Afghan Foreign Minister appealed to the world for good relations on Monday but avoiding making a strong commitment to the education of girls despite international demands to allow all Afghan children to return to school.
Nearly two months after rebel forces swept Kabul, the new Taliban government had encouraged to build relationships with other countries to help prevent disaster economic crises.
“The international community must start working with us,” Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi said in Doha.
“With this we will be able to stop insecure and at the same time as this we will be able to be positively involved with the world.” But the Taliban has so far refused to give reasons to allow girls to return to high school, one of the main demands of the international community after last month’s decision that the sixth grade school will only be reopened for boys.
Muttaqi said the Taliban Islamic Emirates government moved carefully but only in power for several weeks and could not be expected to resolve the reform, the international community could not be applied in 20 years.
“They have a lot of financial resources and they have international support but you ask us to do all the reforms in two months?” he says.
The new government has been under sustainable criticism of his approach to the education of girls, is considered one of a number of positive advantages that are not ambiguous than two western decades involvement in Afghanistan.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said the Taliban had violated the promise of guarantees the rights to women and girls and could not be able to improve economics if women were prohibited from work.
Muttaqi repeated calls for the US to lift blocks at more than $ 9 billion in Afghan central bank reserves held abroad.
He said Taliban troops had full control over the country and were able to control the threat of the militant of the Islamic State which had claimed a series of deadly attacks in recent weeks, including the bombing last week at the Shiite Mosque in Kunduz City.
“The problem of Daesh has been controlled by the Islamic Emirates very well so far,” he used the terms that were condescending to the Sunni radical group but added that international pressure on the government helped the morale of Islamic countries.

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