In-people ‘important’ jobs for employees, Apple senior executive said – News2IN

In-people ‘important’ jobs for employees, Apple senior executive said

In-people 'important' jobs for employees, Apple senior executive said
Written by news2in

CEO of Apple Tim Cook last month sent a memo where he wrote that most employees will be asked to report to the office for three days a week – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
“For all we can achieve while many of us have been separated, the truth is that there is something important missing from last year: with each other,” said Cook in this email.
“Video conference calls have narrowed the distance between us, to ensure, but there are things that cannot be imitated.” Now, Deirdre O’Brien, Retail VP and Senior Apple people have also reaffirmed their importance and need people who work together directly.
In an interview with the threshold, O’Brien said that “in-person collaboration is very important for our culture and our future.” Furthermore O’Brien said that innovation in Apple products and services has come down to in-people collaboration.
“If we take a moment to reflect our extraordinary products to launch last year, the product and execution of launches are built on the basis of the work we do when we are all together directly,” Apple’s senior executive said the threshold.
Some Apple employees do not support returning to the office and want to work from home to continue.
Employees write for cooking and make several requests such as Apple consider the far and flexible work decisions of the location to be autonomous for the team to decide as a decision to employ.
“Not only many of us have felt well connected with our colleagues throughout the world, but it is better than before.
We came to look forward to working like now, without everyday needs to return to the office.
It feels there is a breakdown between how The executive team thinks about long distance work / location-flexible and life experience of many Apple employees, “Employees wrote in email to cook.
Apple was reported to say that they expected employees to return to the office in September under the Hybrid work model.
However, the company will consider each case individually on whether long distance work is acceptable or not.

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