In the first, Nib-cid recruited Labrador puppies to sniff narcotics drugs – News2IN

In the first, Nib-cid recruited Labrador puppies to sniff narcotics drugs

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: For the first time in its history, the Investigation Department of Narcotics Intelligence Bureau (NIB-CID) has decided to use dogs sniffing drugs.
The bureau has received three Labrador puppies, which will be deployed to Coimbatore, Madurai and Trichy Unit after training at the Detective Dog Training Center in Coimbatore City.
“We bought old puppies 51 days from coonor on October 23.
Tiger will be deployed in Coimbatore, Pandi in Madurai and bonds in Trichy,” said an official.
Two handles each from Coimbatore, Madurai and Trichy City Police have been appointed to take care of puppies.
“Handlers will teach them basic compliance cues.
When they are nine months old, they will start intensive training to detect drugs.
The dogs will be deployed after completing training.
Handling will take it to the train station to check the passenger baggage to find marijuana and drugs Other reservoirs, “officially added.
The police are currently using sniffer dogs that can detect explosives.
Dog tracking plays an important role in solving the theft and murder cases.
Only a few city police units have sniffer dogs that can detect drugs.

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