In the middle of Covid, the request for e-learning on the govt portal soared – News2IN
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In the middle of Covid, the request for e-learning on the govt portal soared

In the middle of Covid, the request for e-learning on the govt portal soared
Written by news2in

New Delhi: With more than one crore registration in less than two years, the Swayam government online platform has seen massive leaps because universities are forced to rely on online teaching due to pandemics.
More than 1.6 lakh was listed in four courses in July 2020, with courses such as machine learning, Python for data science, programming, data structures and algorithms using Python and programming each viewing registration of more than 40,000 during the semester.
These courses are offered by IIT-Madras, Chennai Mathematical Institute and IIT-Kharagpur.
The data accessed by Toi shows that around 1.1 Crore registration took place on the platform between July 2019 and January 2021.
On average 27.4 lakh joined every semester since 2019 to study in courses offered by the IITS, BHU and Institute Iims institutions.
“Covid is one of the main reasons for this growth.
The growth that should be taken a decade has now been achieved in two years,” said V Ramgopal Rao, Director of Iit-Delhi.
Registration in courses is expected to increase with credit transfer approval of up to 40% of online courses towards settlement of degrees.
Around 149 universities, including 26 central universities and 48 state-run universities will receive credit received on Self from 2021.
Amit Khare, Secretary for higher education in the Ministry of Education, crediting new national education policies by facilitating rapid growth of online learning.
He said even though Covid accelerated the steps, “in the end is a new national education policy that facilitates developments.
The first step is to provide credit up to 40% through online courses, followed by UGC which allows 100 top universities to offer a full online degree program.
Immediately, students will be able to take any course of their institution’s choice, get and deposit credit and complete their degree.
“The number of students who appear for the self-certified test and get credit, or get credit, have tripled since July 2018.
Around 70,000 examines Nearly 65,000 qualified per semester in 2018; That number rose to almost 2 lakh taking the exam in 2019 and 2020.
An estimated 1.8 students of Lakh were certified per semester during this period.
The number of courses offered on the online platform has more than doubled since 2017.
There are 323 courses available in July 2017, which grew to 876 in January 2021.
Career Counselor Pervin Malhotra said that the increase could be associated with employers carried out while the college was closed pandemic.
The value of adding and certification achieved through Swayam helps improve student domain expertise in the technical field, he said.
“Another advantage is that the brand value of the course offered by IIT looks great on your resume.
Why is a student from the second Rung Institution miss the opportunity to learn from Lecture IIT or Nits, get a certificate or credit? Most students from the second Rung institution require additional learning And if you get it from the main source why not? “Malhotra said.
The best Digital Institute course also witnessed significant growth over the past year.
The Director of IIT-Delhi Rao said that the Institute had seen an increase in marked participation after being digitized 1,400 courses and made it available online.
“We launched Evidya during our last meeting with the support of five EDTech companies.
Not only did it help us reach students from remote areas, but our income also increased by 400% in the online learning room,” Rao said.

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