‘Increase in cases of domestic violence during locking’ – News2IN

‘Increase in cases of domestic violence during locking’

'Increase in cases of domestic violence during locking'
Written by news2in

Patna: Covid-induced locking extension caused an increase in domestic violence instances throughout the country, claiming Shefali Roy, head of the Department of Political Science at Patna University, on Monday.
Providing a Memorial Lecture S N Sinha in college on the occasion of the 104th anniversary of his birth, Roy said he lost work and increased physical and mental illness accelerated the rate of domestic violence in the middle.
Citing numbers from the National Family Health Survey, he pointed, “After the age of 15, every third woman in the country experienced a kind of domestic violence.
In addition, 31% of married women experience physical, emotional or sexual violence by partners They.
“Speaking of the growth of insensitivity among men towards the law of domestic violence”, Roy urges voluntary social organizations to create awareness and save women from physical and mental abuse.
It was also announced that the stadium at A N College would be named after the former Main Minister, S N Sinha.
Death is limited: The College of Commerce teachers, art and science struck the death of the former Head of the Hindi Department, Upendra Mishra, on Monday.
Mishra (92), who has written two very famous books about Vidyapati and Hindi Grammar, provided by two sons and three daughters.

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